I was looking outside through the huge window. A longing sigh escaped my lips.

The Mansion was placed in the centre of wilderness. It was well-hidden. No one could ever find it in an abondoned place like this. It's not like anyone would try to. As long as I remember, Ian's Mafia was the leading one. No other such illegible group was near half in power and strength to him.

So here was I , captivated in a lone room in this huge Mansion , surrounded by evergreen lush trees and greenery , presenting a beautiful scenery.

A scenery I would have liked to find everytime I wake up, but now it was a prison.

How ridiculous it was. My situation. My life. My existence. Just everything.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

I whirled, startled.

Ian was looking a me, with an indulgent look.

When did he got here?

"Didn't you expect me. Why you look surprised?", He asked

"Ofcource I didn't expect you. You haven't showed up for the last couple of weaks!"


I didn't intend to exclaim that.Side of his lips tilting up.

"Missed me?", he bantered, smirking.

"Yeah! You are going to be the last person in this universe, I would miss", I mumbled. Somehow his soft look ensured that I could say that, without enraging him.

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