And then because I was already waiting at the top of the mountain, he decided to send me over the edge. His teeth tugged and pulled my nipples as his hand fell to my panties again. This time his fingers stayed on the outside and he timed his movements perfectly. Sucking and pulling on my nipple at the same time that his hand rubbed against my clit, alternating between fast and slow. It didn’t take me long to start moaning and screaming and it didn’t take me long to come explosively; so explosively that my body shuddered on the bed as I whimpered and yet, he didn’t stop. His lips never left my breast as he sucked and tugged and it was only after a whistle blew that he pulled away from me. I lay there completely spent, completely confused and completely satisfied as I was left alone, wondering who was who. Then I felt someone tapping my shoulder and I sat up, feeling dazed and confused.

“You’re done.” I heard the voice, but didn’t see him. My mind was still on the decision I had to make. I had to decide who was the best lover; who was the one that had turned me on the most and that person would be the winner. I was terrified that I’d make the wrong decision. There was no doubt in my mind that man number 2 had been the one to drive me crazy. He’d be the one I’d have dreams about. The exquisite pleasure I had felt, even while experiencing pain had been completely new to me. It was as if he’d wanted to torment me, but to also show me just how good he was. He hadn’t felt like Xavier. He’d felt naughty, dangerous, exciting, forbidden and I felt guilty as hell. I didn’t know who I was going to choose. I didn’t know how I was going to choose. I jumped off of the bed and walked to the doorway and exited the room. I looked around and there were was no one else in there with me. I frowned as I waited. What was going on? I stood there and a blind went up and I could see into the room I’d just vacated. The lights became dimmed and I watched Violeta entering the room again, completely naked. She lay down on the bed and placed the blindfold across her eyes. I tried to look away from her perfect body. It made me feel uncomfortable and slightly jealous. However, I didn’t have time to dwell on my own insecurities because within a minute I saw Stephan entering the room. He walked like a Jaguar: regal, dignified, confident and self-assured. He oozed power and sex appeal. He was an alpha, ready and willing to take control and go with it. I gasped as I watched his hands falling to her breasts, molding them to his palms as he played with her breasts and then it was as if he knew I was looking. He turned around and looked directly into my window. He winked and then bent down and took her right nipple in his mouth and sucked. I gasped and stepped back as I knew without a doubt that it had been Stephan that had brought me to the most intense orgasm of my life. I was ashamed of myself. Ashamed and scared. I didn’t know how to think and feel. All of a sudden my feelings of freeness and excitement were gone. All of a sudden I was filled with a fear and anger that I didn’t recognize. I had let another man touch me intimately and I had enjoyed it. I’d enjoyed him more than I’d enjoyed the man I loved. I felt like I had betrayed Xavier. And then I felt mad. Mad that he’d put me in this position in the first place. What had he thought was going to happen? What had he expected me to do? He’d put me in this position. How could he put me in this position? How could he be okay with other men touching me? Teasing me? Bringing me to climax? How could he love me and allow this to happen? It didn’t make sense to me and, if anything, it made me incredibly sad for myself. I couldn’t stand and watch Stephan, either. What sort of sick fucks were these guys? What sort of world was this? Why was I here? I was just a simple girl from Palm Bay, Florida. I was a bloody Pirate, for heaven’s sake. I spent my weekends at Melbourne Mall and Indialantic Beach. I went to Orlando for fun. Chili's and Applebee’s were good restaurants in my world. Shit, I dated guys whose idea of fun was to take me to a football game and try and grab under my skirt during the game. I knew that life. I expected it, even though it had bored me. But I’d wanted more. I’d wanted an adventure. I’d dreamed of a Prince Charming and excitement, but this was too much. I wanted to go back to the days where Anna and I would drive up to Cocoa Beach and hang out at Ron Jon’s Surf Shop and pretend we were surfers so we could flirt with all the hot guys in the store. I wanted to go back to the days when my only concern was whether or not my parents would allow me to go to the movies on a Friday night with a boy who’d already graduated from high school. This world I was in right now seemed too dark for me. Too scary. Too wanton and loose. I wasn’t sure I could even understand what had just happened. I had willingly lain on a bed in a blindfold and allowed two different men to pleasure me. I’d lain on a bed and allowed two different men to bring me to orgasm. No, we hadn’t had sex. And no, there had been no penetration, but I wasn’t even sure if that mattered. Not when deep inside, a part of me was still on fire and giddy. I had ignited something in myself tonight that I didn’t recognize. Something that made me question exactly who I was.


“Okay, it’s time for everyone to make their decisions.” The deep male voice wrenched me from my thoughts. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed or even what I was feeling anymore. I looked around and saw that I was back in the main room. A slight jolt of surprise shook me to my core. I’d been so deep in thought that I hadn’t even realized that I’d been walking and moving around. I looked at Charles as he continued talking and I wondered if he had even noticed that I was out of it. Violeta was standing to the right of me, a smug smile on her face, and I wondered how she could be so confident and self-assured. How did she not feel like a slut? I didn’t understand it. Everything about this world was so different, so alluring and dangerous. I just didn’t understand how she was okay with all of this. I was starting to feel sick to my stomach as I stood there. I could see Xavier staring at me, but I didn’t look back at him. I didn’t want to see what was in his eyes and I didn’t want him to see the shame in mine. I wasn’t sure who I was going to choose. I wasn’t sure which man had been him. And I couldn’t honestly say that both men had pleasured me greatly. Yes, man two had taken my breath away and made me weak. Yes, the pain alternating with the pleasure had driven me crazy. In my heart of hearts, I knew that man two was the one who had taken me on a ride I would never forget. But now that I was almost positive that man two was Stephan, it made me feel sick inside. Sick and twisted. I could still feel his teeth tugging on my nipple. I could still feel his fingers touching me, possessing me, making me his. I could still feel the way he’d sucked so hard that pleasure and pain had been cascading through my body as if I were on some sort of ride and couldn’t get off. And then I also knew what bothered me most. I’d gone through with all of this because a part of me had wanted to see what Stephan would be like. I’d wanted to hurt Xavier, but I’d also been curious. Curious to know what lay behind his blue eyes. Curious to feel and touch him. And curious to be touched by him. I’d been drawn to him at first sight. He’d bewitched me and now he’d taken a part of me. Stephan made me realize that I was just as bad as Violeta. Who was I to judge her while I was allowing the same thing to happen to me?

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