"Have you seen Ully by chance?" Katie asked.

"Not yet. We're trying to get a handle on who went to which Sanctuary and where else Immortals scattered to. We should know by nightfall." "Thanks."

Megan closed the door behind her, and Katie sank down onto the bed.

* * *

Rhyn finished his task of clearing Kris's floor of dead bodies. He tossed the last one out the window. Kris was glaring up at him, he knew without looking. But he wasn't about to walk up and down the stairwell or traipse through the shadow world a million times to accomplish the same goal.

A pyre had been built in the middle of the cobblestone courtyard to burn the bodies of the demons before nightfall, when they'd come back alive. He wiped his bloodied hands on his shirt and trotted down the hall. He'd sensed Katie's appearance in the castle a short time ago and had avoided going directly to her, for fear he wasn't quite ready to say what he needed to. With nothing left to occupy him, he strode to the familiar room where they'd shared the fateful night weeks before. Katie looked up from her spot seated on the bed as he entered, her face troubled.

"You're a mess," she said in disapproval. He glanced down to see how bad his clothing looked. It was soaked through and dried with blood and his exposed skin was tinted red.

"Rough night," he said, sitting on the bed across from her. "Really rough night." "So I hear."

They gazed at each other for a long, quiet minute.

"This room has a lot of memories," she spoke at last and looked around.


"Yeah," he agreed, glance going to her stomach. He'd never had a thought more foreign than that of what grew within her.

"Not all good," she said and crossed her arms self-consciously. "Megan said you brought the Council together."

"They just needed a little encouragement," he said with a shrug. "It was a very good thing for you to do."

"Sometimes I get things right."

"You're a better person than I am. I would've let them all go down in flames for how they treated you," she said.

The awkward quiet fell again. He didn't want her storming out as usual when he said something wrong.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" he asked at last.

"You don't know anything about this do, you?" "I assume one day it hatches."

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Lizzy Ford

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