"I don't think anything is wrong with it, but I want to make sure," he explained.

"Good thing Sasha washed up on shore at the Sanctuary or the demons would have this one," she said. "I guess it wouldn't matter if you succeeded in altering it like Kris said."

"Altering it?"

"Did you get hit on the head or something? Kris told you to make a toxic version he could trade back to the demons."

"I do have a headache," he said, distracted. "You say Sasha washed up somewhere?" "Really weird, Ully. I don't know what he's doing. The women at the Sanctuary said they pulled him out of the water, and he looks awful." "Which Sanctuary?"

She looked up at the uncharacteristic demand. Ully appeared to be prepping his tools for whatever tests he wanted to run. The vial sat on the counter next to his notebook, and she watched him pick up a syringe. She'd never noticed how long his nails were or the sinewy strength in his forearms. Suddenly, she wondered just how well demons could shapeshift and why they'd lock Ully in the closet instead of killing him.

"I'm feeling really sick, Ully. Do you have any food?" she asked. She sagged against a counter, hoping he believed her. She reached for the perfume in her pocket. For once, she hoped Ully's oddball experiment didn't let her down.

"Sure," he said, the dark note in his voice gone. "This won't take long. I should have something in the fridge and then we can go get some real food."

Having spent many afternoons with him in the lab, she knew he kept only serums and instruments in the refrigerator. He made his way to the appliance, and she darted for the vial, snatching it off the counter then running through the mess to the door. The demon that was Ully gave a half-bark, half-roar before he smashed through the lab toward her. He snatched one arm and she sprayed him with the perfume.

The demon coughed and batted at his face.


Thank you, Ully, thank you! Uncertain whether or not the battle still waged between demons and Immortals, she braced herself to be attacked as she flew past every doorway towards the back stairwell. Bodies blocked her descent to the basements where the warriors were, and she struck off down a narrow corridor that dead-ended in another set of stairs leading to a door hanging from one hinge.

She heard no signs of the demon pursing but trotted down the stairs, hoping to find another way into the dungeons where the Immortal warriors lived. It took all her strength to shove the hefty door wide enough for her to enter the dark chamber beyond that was lit by a single torch.

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