"Slowly?" Ully asked, puzzled. "Is quickly an option, if it's all I can do?"

"You're both the brightest and dumbest man I've ever met."

Ully fell silent. Kris opened the door to his lab, pushed him in, and closed it. He wiped his face with one hand and ascended, surprised to see Hannah in the hall. He forced his anger and frustration away to keep his eyes from flaring amber, then approached. She looked up at him, her sweet face glowing.

"I hope it's okay if I wander around for awhile. I'm too excited to sleep," she admitted. "And the snow makes this place look so magical!"

"It would be my pleasure to show you around," he said and held out his arm. She accepted it, and they walked down the hall. Her bouncy blond curls brushed his arm as she turned her head to take in the tapestries and look up at the murals on the ceilings.

Her draw was not as consuming as Katie's, which meant she'd have a much better chance of surviving if not every demon and Immortal was drawn to her.

"May I ask you a few questions about your family?" he asked, puzzled again as to how two Ancient's mates were born into one family. "Of course."

"Do you have any other siblings?"

"Not at all. Katie was born about seven years after me. Our parents thought two was enough."

"Your parents, are they still alive?"


"A car accident killed them both. I basically raised Katie from the time she was ten," she said, a sad look crossing her features. "Not sure I did a good job."

"You did a wonderful job. She's a … charming woman," he forced himself to say.

Hannah laughed. "You can say it-- she turned out a little rough around the edges!" "I have to agree with you there. You two couldn't be more different."

She beamed.

"I wonder how there came to be two women destined to be Immortal mates in one family. It's unheard of. Did you ever come to know of your parents being different in any way?"

"Not at all."

Disappointed, he wasn't sure what else to ask. Ully would run blood tests on Hannah, but he doubted they'd reveal much more than Katie's had. He took in her delicate features and felt a familiar warmth stir his blood. She met his gaze and held it, her pupils dilating and a faint flush spreading across her features. He stopped walking and stood close enough for their chests to brush when she breathed in. Waiting for some sign of rejection, he lowered his head until his lips brushed hers.

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