The night was cold and dark as he strode across the park to the edge of the castle's grounds. A single figure already awaited him at the edge of the invisible wall that kept the demons out of the sacred grounds. More dark shadows lingered deep within the forest, watching over their leader. Darkyn was a head shorter than Kris and wider, his steady gaze and roughly hewn features reminding him of Rhyn.

Kris stopped a safe distance away on the sacred grounds, taking in the underwhelming demon leader with some surprise. He'd expected some towering monstrosity from the legendary demon who challenged the Dark One.

"You have something I want," Darkyn said with Rhyn's bluntness.

"Good evening to you, Darkyn," Kris replied. "I'm afraid my brother stays with me. I am bound to protect him."

"By Immortal Code, you must turn him over to me. He has slain a family member."

"I find it funny you demons spend your days looking for ways to break the Code then dare quote it to me. No, Darkyn, you will not have Sasha. Now, Rhyn, you can have."

"The half-breed?" Darkyn sneered. "I would rather fry myself on sacred ground. Sasha took something from the Dark One. If you will not return your brother as you are obligated, then you must return this."

Kris was quiet, pretending to consider. His opinion of Darkyn tanked. The demon was an idiot, too unaccustomed to politics or negotiating to understand how to get what it wanted without revealing what that was. There was no way in Hell Kris would give this creature the key

to defeating his warriors! But then, he needed some way to keep his Immortals safe until he could determine how many demons were in the forest so he could wipe them out.

"This I will think about," he said at last. "I will speak to Sasha to determine what it is he stole, and if it is rightfully owned by the Dark One, which it must be in order for you to reclaim it."


The demon eyed him.

"If it is so, then I'll return it to you. I'll convene the Council That Was Seven for an impartial vote. This might take me a few days. I ask that, in the meantime, you refrain from attacking any Immortal traveling the road to the castle."

It was the demon's turn to consider. Kris waited.

"On the main road only," the demon agreed. "And if Sasha steps outside of sacred grounds, we will take him. No appeal of yours will work in his favor."

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