"Is this your home now?" Hannah asked, her glowing gaze going to the castle again. Well aware of Hannah's social ladder climbing aspirations, Katie couldn't help her retort.

"Don't act so surprised your little sis did something right for once."

"Who is that handsome man with Gio?" Hannah asked, gaze on Kris once again. "The world's biggest dick," Katie replied.

"Katherine!" Hannah exclaimed. "You don't want him to hear you. Come, show me around." Katie hesitated, then strode through the main hallways, suspecting Hannah would be too star struck to notice the looks they'd certainly receive from others. "Where's that wonderful man of yours?" Hannah asked.

"Wonderful?" she repeated. "You mean Rhyn?"

Hannah chuckled, soon distracted as her gaze took in the entertaining parlor Katie led her to. She vaguely remembered it from her tour of the castle and was relieved to see several small groups congregated around all but one of the five fireplaces in the room. She went to the unoccupied fireplace and sat with her back to the wall, afraid of any Immortal who felt her draw enough to approach. Hannah removed her fur coat with a graceful flourish to reveal her snug clothing and perfect body. One of the servants darted forward to take her coat, and she gave a large smile before seating herself.

"So, tell me about this place," Hannah said, eyes bright.

"Where should I start?" Katie asked, uncertain what her sister knew.

"Gio told me about the Immortals. I'm still puzzling through that part. Who was the man who greeted us?"

"His name is Kris. He's sort of the leader of the Immortals. He's a manipulative, lying jackass."


"He seemed nice to me," Hannah said. Her familiar way of dismissing her opinion made Katie bite her tongue to keep from saying what she wanted. "You staying here long?" she asked instead.

"Through the winter. I planned on going to Seychelles to escape the east coast cold, but Gio said being invited here was an honor. Then he told me about the Immortals. You landed yourself a good one, Katherine."

"I didn't land anything," Katie said impatiently. "We're destined to be Immortals' mates, and it's been as far from a pleasant experience as I could imagine. You just wait to see what Kris has in store for you. He'll make your life a living hell."

"You've always been a little melodramatic, Katherine. How can you still seem so negative when you're surrounded by all this!"

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