Kris finished tying his boots and crossed to the door, slamming it on his way out. Ully jumped beside her.

"Do you think Toby is okay to move?" she asked, afraid to be there when Kris returned. "I want to put him in my bed so he doesn't wake up scared."

"We can try it," Ully said. "I don't like being around Kris when he's in a mood." "Me neither," she agreed.

They carefully lifted the sleeping angel and carried him up a flight of stairs to her large chamber. Katie arranged the bedding and pillows around his still form and then retrieved his stuffed animals out of his bedroom.

"Next Thursday is Thanksgiving," Ully started as they settled on either side of the bed. "Kris does a big feast here every year, and Andre used to arrange the December holiday celebration.

All the Immortals who are someone are here by mid-December."

She recalled what sent her outside the castle, and her anger at Kris ratcheted up another notch. He was planning something, if he invited Hannah to the castle.

"Ully, is there any way to see if my sister is coming here? Her fiancé is an Immortal."

"Kris keeps a roster. We can have his private secretary check it. Write down the names, and I'll take it down," he offered. "I need to grab some grub, too. I can bring you dinner, if you want." "Yes, thanks," she said and stretched for the pen and paper she kept in the nightstand drawer next to the bed. She scribbled down Hannah and Gio's names then sat back, frowning. "I guess it really is Thanksgiving next week. Doesn't seem like it's been that long since …" She trailed off, pensive.

"Time passes fast for Immortals. I guess when you stop counting hours and days and just count months or years-- "


"I need to grab something. I can take this down," she said suddenly, standing. He looked surprised. "What do you want me to bring you?"

He listed a few items, none of which she heard as she continued to stare at the paper. When he finished, she nodded and hurried away. She dropped a note into the absent secretary's inbox then went to the first basement level, which housed supplies, clothing, and other essentials in the form of small department stores whose wares were free to all Immortals.

She visited the small café and dropped three boxed lunches into a tote bag along with extra cocoa and marshmallows in case Toby woke up soon. She continued to the small women's boutique that stocked every kind of facial and body care product she'd ever heard of-- and many she hadn't.

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