I saw the resolve the instant it flashed across her quivering face. She was in pain, and an agonized scream ripped from her as I saw fire beat against her back. But for the first time, I also saw in her a mother fighting for what needed to be done.

She stepped out of sight for only a second before her legs shot out, her hips tearing over the jagged glass.

Blood streamed down and her cries grew louder, echoing around us. I dropped down beside Oliver and cradled his head in my lap, covering his exposed ear and shielding his eyes as Natasha squeezed herself out before falling to the ground in a motionless heap.

I lifted Oliver’s head and cupped his cheek, forcing him to understand the gravity of my words. “Stay here, and keep your eyes closed. Promise me.”

He nodded and snapped his eyes shut.

I ran to Natasha and rolled her unconscious form over in the snow, putting out the flames that clung to her skin. She had burns over most of her body. I couldn’t see how bad they were, but from what I could gather, it was gruesome. Her hips were shredded from the glass; deep, jagged tears in her flesh bled profusely.

The sirens were directly behind me now. When I turned to look, an entire crew of firefighters was rushing my way, rattling off commands to battle the flames.

Paramedics surrounded Natasha while I lifted Oliver, careful of his arm, and carried him away toward the next ambulance that arrived. Scout was at our side, lethargic and covered in ash but seemingly generally okay otherwise. That poor dog had been through so much lately.

Paramedics opened the back of the ambulance, guiding me inside to set Oliver down on the gurney.

His eyes were still closed. I rested my forehead against his. We’d made it—all of us.

“Can I open my eyes now?” he asked, his voice raw and barely a whisper. A paramedic placed an oxygen mask over his mouth.


“Yeah, buddy.” I inhaled through my nose, tension dissipating from my muscles. “Open your eyes.”

“My mommy?” he croaked, looking up at me.

I squeezed his tiny hand. “They’re helping her right now. How’s your arm feel?” It was a ridiculous question, as the sight alone answered my question. Not only was it broken, with small abrasions, but I could see burns. They were nothing compared to Natasha’s, but definitely still in need of care.

He shook his head, then tugged at the mask to speak. “Heroes don’t complain.”

Hero? That’s what he thought he was?

I adjusted the mask back over his face and gave him a stern look.

“You’re the bravest boy I know, Oliver. I don’t even understand how you made it back up those stairs for Scout, but what you did wasn’t heroic. You could have been killed in there.” I fought through demanding tears. “I love you so much, and I need you to promise me right now that you will never again do something so dangerous.”

My tears flowed out with the adrenaline in a heavy stream of anguish.

“Promise,” he said, his voice tiny.

I cast my gaze to his, so bright and innocent. Then he added, “I crawled.”

“What?” I sniffled, rubbing my hands across my eyes.

He moved the mask once more. “Fireman at school said to crawl. It was scary and dark, and Scout was barking so I could find him. He needed me.”

Those pesky tears began their assault again as I cradled him close and kissed his forehead. “You scared me to death and back, but all that matters is that you’re safe now.”

“You won’t tell Daddy, right?” His brows creased with worry. “He’ll be mad at me.”

Sitting back up, I smiled. “Keep this mask on. And your daddy’s not the only one upset with you. He’s just going to be the loudest.”


That voice comforted parts of me that were still traumatized by the day’s events.

“Logan.” I pulled off my oxygen mask to speak. Where was he?

“You need to keep this on, miss,” the paramedic instructed, but the only thing I needed was out there, looking for me.

“No, I need him.” I choked on the words, coughing harder. “Logan!”

“Miss, please.”

As the mask was forced back over my face, I saw him. He rushed around the ambulance, stopping short when he spotted me.

As if in slow motion, he stared at me for a long moment, then moved his gaze to Oliver. I saw the tension disappear from his shoulders, and then he was coming toward me. I was up and throwing the mask aside instantly, desperate for his arms around me.

Logan’s entire body cocooned me in the safety and warmth only it could provide. He held me tightly, his fear shrouding his hard features.

“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have left. I knew something was wrong when I got to Julia’s and she wasn’t there. I found her at Luke’s; her phone was missing. Fuck, I just saw Natasha. She’s all…Christ.” He shoved back, placing his hands on my face and looking me over. “This is my fault. I should—”

I lunged forward, pressing my lips to his. The kiss was slow and gentle. Tears glistened in his eyes.

When I broke the kiss, I said, “Natasha…is she…”

I couldn’t say it aloud. The image of her body burned and mangled flashed in my mind.

He slowed his breathing, inhaling deeply before answering. “She’ll survive. I went mad trying to find you. And then I saw them load her into the ambulance…I thought…I thought it was you.” His first tear slipped out. “I felt my entire body shut down. I couldn’t find Oliver, and the thought of him trapped in that house and you…”

On my tip toes, I kissed both his cheeks, collecting saltwater on my lips. Logan wasn’t one to cry, which was a shame given how beautiful he looked in that moment—so open and vulnerable, with no walls separating us.

He continued, inhaling deeply again as his tears ceased. “When I got close enough, I saw one of her wrists handcuffed to the gurney. I knew then it wasn’t you…that I still had a chance. They told me Oliver was in this ambulance and I took off, pleading with the universe that you were with him. I couldn’t lose—”

“Shhh,” I murmured. “It’s over. We’re safe.”

Logan’s forehead rested against mine. “Marry me.”

The most awkward bubble of a laugh burst from me, despite the scene surrounding us. He did not just ask me that right now.

With a heavy-hearted sigh, I closed my eyes and answered, “Call me crazy, but is it too much to ask for a little romance?”

“Romance, huh?”

My tired eyes opened to find his glittering with a love deeper than I’d ever thought possible.

I lifted my head, a smile on my lips. “You need the definition?” I raised a brow.

He gripped my arms and drew me back in, kissing me harder. “No, I think I got it covered,” he murmured against my lips before releasing me, his hand scrubbing across his jaw.

“Thank you.”

My brows pinched together. “For what?”

“Saving my son’s life,” he replied, staring over at Oliver lying just behind us.

Swallowing hard, I said, “You need to thank Natasha too. If she hadn’t gone in first…” I shook the thought away. “She saved his life.”

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