“I know you killed Kurt,” Logan said to Josh. “My PI found you on the visitors list. And while you may have convinced the sheriff you two were old friends, I had it looked into. You’d never even met the guy.”

“Screw you!” Josh spat.

Logan brushed it off. “You got proof she asked you to do it?”

“Hell yeah, I do! I keep a stream of video going at my place for the parties. Have the entire thing on my computer.”

It was Natasha who propelled forward next, screaming incoherent threats. She beat her fists into nothing but the air as Logan pinned her back against his front. Her legs kicked, aiming for Josh but falling short.

Transfixed on the whole interaction, I didn’t notice someone behind me until a hand shot out beside my face, pushing the door fully open. I twisted back, startled to find Edward and Blythe frowning at the scene inside the tunnel.

“You need to call the cops,” I blew out, my adrenaline running high.

“On their way,” Edward replied, sounding almost bored before walking past me inside. Blythe took my hand and led me in behind him at her side.

Logan held Natasha with her arms pinned behind her back, Jax snickering at the empty threats she rattled off in stifled breaths. The look she sent him was lethal, but seemed only to intensify his laughter.

“You think you won, Jax? Well, why don’t you tell Logan that you’re the reason I came back in the first place?”

Jax’s laughter cut off. Natasha grinned, thrashing harder against Logan and adding, “Tell him—”


Blythe slapped Natasha across the face, silencing her.

“You listen to me, you trashy little whore.” Blythe took hold of her chin, commanding her full attention. “I’ve stood back and watched you destroy my son, tearing him down to a dark place only his son could reach him. I won’t let you hurt any more of my children—and you better prepare for a hell of a fight after the cops are through with you, because you will never see my grandson again.”

“Your children, Blythe?” Natasha cackled. “Is that what you tell yourself when you look at Jax? Or do you see the slut your husband fucked: Jax’s real mother?”

I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth.

“What the hell is she talking about?” Jax’s stunned words fell out, his grip loosening around Josh’s arm.

Blythe closed her eyes, took a breath, then turned to face him. “Honey, I’m sorry. We’ll talk about it—”

“What’s the matter, Jax? Didn’t know?” Natasha taunted. My palm was itching for another swing at her. “Just like Logan didn’t know how much your cock enjoyed my attention when you convinced me to return home last summer?”

Jax’s ashen gaze flew to Logan, who said nothing, gripping Josh so tightly he could barely move. Either Logan already knew or he didn’t care, but the terror on Jax’s face was heart-wrenching. He was scared—I could see it, mixed with a flurry of hurt and confusion.

He released his hold on Josh, who used it to his advantage, whipping around and slugging Lawrence in the gut. He doubled over and Logan raced forward, dropping Natasha to grab Josh with the help of his father and Lawrence, who’d recovered instantly.

Natasha made a run for it, sprinting out the door with Jax on her tail. I leaned up against the glass, no longer noticing the sharks at my back. I didn’t speak until Blythe walked over shortly after the cops arrived to arrest Josh.

“I’m going to check on my grandsons. You coming?” she asked.

I shook my head. “I’m going to wait for Logan…if you don’t mind.”

She gave me an almost-relieved, genuine smile. “Not at all. You’re good for him.” It was all she said before stepping away, with Edward there to meet her as they walked out together.

Logan slumped down on the bench after a while of talking with the police. I sat beside him, my arms encasing him instantly, holding him close. His head was down, and he didn’t make a move to look my way.

When I moved to speak, I noticed he was staring at his phone. I could see it clearly: a text from Jax.

I wasn’t fast enough. She grabbed a cab. Sorry for everything. Always the fuck up. Tell Oliver I love him. I’m done with this shit.

“Logan, I’m sorry about Jax.”

He didn’t reply as he pulled me into his arms, burying his face in my hair, where he sighed.

“Is this why you allowed Natasha to come today—to turn Josh against her?” It was all making sense, but why would he do it during such a special event as Oliver’s birthday party?

“Yes. Only Jax, Lawrence, and my father knew. Natasha will never be allowed near my son again. I thought it only fitting on his birthday, since she’s missed every one before it.”

I hugged him closer, my head resting against his shoulder. “Poor Oliver. He’ll be heartbroken when he finds out she’s gone.”

“He’ll be hurt but he’ll eventually accept it. When he’s older, I’ll be honest with him.” Logan shifted back. His knuckles swept over my cheek, a soft but tight smile on his lips. “Besides, he has me and he has you. Nothing else matters, sweetheart. It’s over now. We win.”

Always the strong one.

He stood and helped me up.

“Let’s go give Oliver the birthday he deserves,” he said with a hint of a smile.

I nodded in agreement. Oliver’s lively enthusiasm was exactly what we needed. I knew we’d talk about Jax later, but for now we had a birthday boy to entertain.

Logan was right: Nothing else mattered.

Chapter Thirty-One


There are many moments in time I wished I could undo or rewrite, but with Natasha on the run, I knew everything was playing out the way it was supposed to.

Oliver and Charlie had been oblivious for the hour or so most of us had been missing from the birthday festivities, with Julia and Katie doing a great job of distracting them with every tiny reef in the tanks. When we finally entered the party room, which was filled to the ceiling with balloons and streamers, Oliver was too focused on his gifts and giant cake to notice his mother was missing.

That moment occurred when he opened her present: a giant stuffed dinosaur. It was incredible how instantly Logan was at his side to reassure him that Natasha had to leave, but that she told him to make sure Oliver knew she loved him.

Oliver may have frowned, but it was brief, and after that day it got easier every time he’d ask about her. Logan reiterated patiently that she couldn’t stay any longer, and after a couple weeks, Oliver stopped asking. He seemed to understand in his own way. The only person he continued to ask for was Jax, who was still MIA and responding to no one’s calls.

Turned out Julia wasn’t his twin—a fact Blythe had hidden when she took him in as a newborn just weeks before Julia was born. Logan remembered her going away to give birth and not meeting Jax until the same time he did Julia. What Blythe did for Jax—for her entire family—left me in awe. It was a completely selfless act. Whether she was Jax’s birth mother or not, she was his mom, and she’d raised him well.

It wasn’t my place to intrude on the heartbreaking family discussion that had been held after the party, so I’d taken Oliver and Charlie to play in another room while Edward and Blythe sat their children down to explain.

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