“Sorry, Oliver, but you’ll have to visit your mom another day,” I explained, feigning a sympathetic smile before snapping my attention back to Natasha. “Logan will be calling any minute to give permission for Oliver to be released to me,” I said coldly. “You can go.”

Natasha didn’t seem fazed as she glanced between Oliver and me. “Hm, from what I’ve been told, he might not get a phone call right away. Oliver’s coming with me.”

“Not happening,” I nearly growled, stepping forward.

“Let’s get going, baby. I have to make a few stops before we go home.” She held out her hand, and Oliver jumped down from the bench.

“Where we goin’?” he asked, zipping his jacket before taking her outstretched hand.

“You’re not taking him,” I warned again, my words monotone yet adamant.

“I’m his mother. Watch me.”

I spoke over my shoulder to the secretary. “Call the police. She doesn’t have any rights over Oliver, and she’s not on the list.”

“Police?” Oliver questioned, his gaze bouncing from me to his mother.

“Don’t worry about it. Cassie’s being silly. She’s only pretending. Let’s go.” When Natasha turned and began to walk away, I shot around her, blocking her path. There was no way Oliver was going anywhere with her.

“Oliver, why don’t you go in the office and wait while I speak with your mother a moment?”


He didn’t complain as he attempted to tug his hand from her hold, but she wasn’t letting go.

“Ouch!” he shrieked. Her grip was noticeably tight.

“Let him go—now,” I hissed slowly.

“No, we’re leaving. Josh is in the car waiting for us.” She leered down at her son, who didn’t move. “Come on, Oliver.”

“My hand hurts.” He yanked again and I grabbed Natasha’s wrist, squeezing until she released him.

“Go sit in the office, Oliver,” I repeated. “Now.”

He did so immediately.

Natasha chuckled under her breath, watching him scurry away. “He’s too sweet. Logan should have toughened him up.” When she looked back, it was to meet my threatening scowl.

She rolled her eyes. “Look, Cassandra, I don’t have time for your petty jealousy. Oliver is mine, and I’m taking him with me.”

“No, you’re not.” I felt like cracking my knuckles to prepare for the inevitable.

“Because of you, Logan won’t let me visit my own son! That’s about to change, and you can’t stop me. You’re nothing but Oliver’s neighbor, and the pathetic girl fucking his father.”

Her lack of common decency in not bothering to watch her mouth or at least lower her voice drove me crazy. How had Logan ever wanted to marry her?

“After the other night, you should be real careful what you say to me. I’m done playing your games, Natasha. Oliver deserves so much better than you, and I’m proud that my man is smart enough to keep you away.”

Natasha’s nostrils flared. “You really are a dumb little girl.” She moved toward me, closing the small gap between us. Her body swayed, and her liquored-up breath hit me in the face. “You really think you have what Logan needs? You have no clue what type of man he is.”

I stepped back, wiping spit from my face, disgusted but not letting it distract me. I held firm in my stance.

“Your son is in the next room, and police are on their way. I’d suggest we discuss Logan at a more appropriate time.”

“You’re a moron,” she leaned in and whispered. “Logan loves everything about me, including fucking me, and you…are nothing…but a distraction—and one that has worn out her welcome.”

If we were anywhere other than my place of employment and in front of her son, I would’ve knocked her on her drunken ass. It took everything in me to keep my fists at my sides.

“Logan won’t admit it, but he misses us,” she continued in a hissed whisper. “Misses what I do to him, for him…the fun we had, and how hot he’d get watching me with the girls I’d bring home to share our bed.” Her menacing laugh caused my blood to boil. “You think he’s a man that will settle down and spend a lifetime enduring boring old sex with a schoolteacher? You’re in for a rude awakening.” She sniffed, wiping her nose with the palm of her hand.

“You need to leave the premises, or you’ll be arrested,” I informed her, blocking out what she’d said about Logan’s previous bedroom preferences. “You’re drunk, and an embarrassment to your son. Go home.”

“I have rights to Oliver!” she shouted, obviously interested in making a scene. Two teachers who were passing by stopped, exchanged glances, then looked to me. But my focus remained on Natasha.

“No, you don’t. You gave them up the day you abandoned him,” I bit back.

“Oliver, let’s go, baby!” she called out.

“Stay there, Oliver.” I didn’t look back to see if he was up or sticking to his seat, not wanting to take my eyes off Natasha. We stood toe to toe, our eyes daring each other to make the first move.

“I’m gonna destroy you,” she taunted.

She was the first to look away. Grinning to herself, she tried to step around me toward the office. I moved with her, hindering her every time, my aggressive scowl set deep.

“I will put you on your ass if you go anywhere near him—especially while you’re drunk,” I threatened in a low, foreboding snarl.

“Drunk?” She cackled. “You’re ridiculous. I have a fabulous life that’s about to get even better once Logan gets rid of you.”

“But that’s the thing, isn’t it?” My head tilted. “He never will. You know it, and your son is seeing your true colors right now—which aren’t exactly fabulous, if you ask me.”

“Mr. West is on the phone,” the secretary said, breaking up our standoff. “He’s asked to speak with you, Miss Clarke.”

With a contrived smile, I turned on my heel, walked into the office, and grabbed the phone.

“Take Oliver into the nurse’s station, and don’t let that woman anywhere near him,” I rattled off to the secretary, my hand covering the receiver.

She did so instantly as I closed the door to prevent Natasha from entering.

“Logan?” I asked, needing to hear his voice.

“Sweetheart, I only have a minute. I told them to let you take Oliver. Keep him with you. I’m not sure how long this will take or what’s going to happen. I called Jax; he knows everything, and will keep you updated.”

“Just take care of yourself. Don’t worry about Oliver. I got him.” The last thing he needed to worry about was Natasha, so I kept that situation quiet. I’d handle her myself.

“My angel…always there.” I heard him sigh. “I love you, Cassandra. Tell Oliver I miss him and will be home soon.”

Before I could reply, he hung up. I placed the phone back on the hook, burying my concern for Logan. I had to deal with someone else first.

Impatiently, I moved behind the desk and cracked open the door to the nurse’s station.

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