Moments later, thinking he was fast asleep, I heard him murmur, “I’ll remember.”

At some point early the next morning, I woke alone in bed. I shot up and threw my feet off the side, relief replacing the growing panic inside me when I picked up the sound of water running in the en suite across the room.

He was awake, and apparently feeling strong enough for a shower. After falling back into bed, I rolled over and stared up at nothing.

Logan had proposed. He’d done it while possibly drugged, but still, he wanted to marry me. And judging by the stampede of butterflies in my gut, I knew he was the one. We’d been through so much together, and there would never be anyone else I could love more.

But I had no idea what I’d say when or if he asked me about it once he reentered the room. It all felt so rushed—not to mention I was still spinning from the last couple days. Last night wasn’t the time to show him just how much damage control he had to endure, but today, if he was conscious, he was fair game. There was no way he was walking out of that room without a damn good explanation of what he planned to do about the Natasha problem.

I sat up when I heard the shower shut off. A few moments later, Logan stepped out with a towel around his waist, his hair wet and unruly.

My thighs squeezed together—my body’s typical reaction at the sight of him. Yeah, I could marry him. The man was every woman’s fantasy, and had one of the kindest hearts I’d ever known. He’d love me and protect me.

Knowing this led me to an overly confident mood, and as I crawled out of the blankets and across the bed, I was sure he’d hear me out.

“How do you feel?” I asked, starting with a little honey before the bees came out.

“Headache. The shower helped some.”

He looked distant, like he was contemplating something, and his gaze flickered around the room before settling on me. He didn’t say anything else, and regarded me with an inquisitive stare instead of his usual bright look of adoration and lust.


Was he trying to remember what happened the previous night, or wondering what he’d been thinking by asking me to marry him? Either way, I wasn’t feeling so hot under his scrutiny.

I sat up on my knees and held out my hands for him to come closer. “We should talk.”

He sighed and walked toward me hesitantly, stopping just out of my reach.

My arms dropped. He wasn’t going to make this easy. It was hard to yell at someone who looked so miserable.

Before I could start, he sighed. “I know you didn’t screw around with Jax. It’s been a long week, and seeing you two in bed together was a breaking point. I’m sorry. I was a dick.”

“I know. I mean, that you’re sorry, not the dick part.” I chuckled, but the humor was lost on him.

“I need to call my mother and check on Oliver. Didn’t plan on being out all night. He’ll be worried that I didn’t call to say goodnight.”

The air was thick and uncomfortable. “Right. I think Natasha’s to blame for that.”

“Yeah.” He blew out a breath and raked a hand through his wet hair, looking exhausted. “I’ll deal with her later. You need a ride home?”

“My car’s here, and we’ll deal with her now. Do you even know what happened last night?”

Logan didn’t reply, instead moving farther away. “I’ve got to make some calls. We’ll talk later.”

“That’s it?” I scoffed, scooting off the bed.

He didn’t bother to look at me as he opened a door to reveal a small chest of drawers and a couple suits on a hanging bar. “I’ve got things to do right now.” He grabbed a suit and shut the door.

“No, we’re going talk right now. Natasha was all over you last night. I found you in this room, with her, and she was naked. Ring a bell? If I hadn’t come up here…”

He pivoted around. His expression was no longer pained—it was all agitation.

“I had a drink and she sat down at the bar beside me. Last thing I expected was for her to slip me something.” His phone rang. “Shit, I’ve got to take this. I’ll call you later.”

“You were out cold last night. How do you even know what she did to you? Do you even care!?” I yelled, irate.

His eyes narrowed dangerously. “I know she didn’t get what she wanted, considering I still had pants on when I woke up and my dick would have been incapable of an erection. You’re standing here and she’s not, which is the only thing I care about. We’ll finish this later.”

He kissed me quickly on the cheek and, despite my stunned expression, headed back into the bathroom with the phone to his ear.

It was an insult. Did he really believe a kiss would pacify an overlooked-once-again girlfriend? After this week, he was severely wrong.

I saw red. This wasn’t a relationship—and definitely not one headed toward wedding bells. I was fed up with him pushing me away.

My rage pushed me out of the room, down the stairs, and past the bar before I heard someone call my name.

I whirled around to see Luke and Julia in a booth together.

“You all right?” Julia asked.

“No, I’m not. And you won’t be either if you don’t open your eyes and see that you have one of the best guys in this town waiting around for you! Don’t ruin it.”

Julia gasped, caught off guard by my abrupt and slightly harsh honesty. I shifted my gaze to Luke, and his lips quirked up as he sipped his soda. “Fight for her. You guys belong together.”

I started walking again, adding my final words they both needed to hear before I left the building.

“Logan won’t do a damn thing to stop you.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


The sky outside may have been clear, but it was a dreary Sunday inside my home. I spent it stewing, switching from rage to sorrow between bags of potato chips. Logan didn’t call or text, and his car never appeared in his driveway. I checked more times than I cared to admit.

It was sometime that afternoon when I was hit with a realization that floored me: I was sitting around and wasting a beautiful day for a man too busy to make time for me. He’d kicked me out of his home, put himself in a compromising situation with his ex, and then blown me off without letting me get a word in edgewise.

I wasn’t blind, nor was I insensitive. I knew he was in trouble, and that he needed me as a supporter, rallying around him. And I’d always be there for him as one, but I wouldn’t be a punching bag. We were either in this relationship together, or he was going to get only one side of me: friend Cassandra.

My phone was in my hand. I knew the perfect distraction was only a call away, and I wasn’t going to stop dialing until Hilary answered.

She picked up on the third call.

“Cassie! Hey, Caleb told me about Logan and Kurt. Are you okay?”

The tension rolled out through my limbs upon hearing her voice. “Not really. Everything turned to crap after you ran off. I need you back home.”

I heard her sigh. “I know. I would be there tonight if I could.”

“What’s stopping you—Caleb?” That ticked me off. I’d never thought of Caleb as the controlling type, but then again, how was I supposed to know how he was in a relationship?

“Yeah, he says he has some plans for us. I’m just relieved he’s still here with me, but I have no clue what’s going to happen. He won’t give me a clear answer when I ask about the baby or our future.”

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