I nodded and strode back to the door. “I’ll have Jax bring you a plate over.”

He was already too occupied on the call to reply so I turned and left, my thoughts rewinding and planting a heavy weight of anxious fear in my gut.

Kurt was dead.

When I woke the next morning, it wasn’t with a satisfied grin but an empty void. Logan had never shown up. Not that I didn’t understand—between the newspaper, Haven, and now Kurt, he had a lot on his mind.

I checked my phone, relieved to find a text from him.

Not gonna make it tonight. Dream of me sweetheart. X

Two long nights passed that included said dreams, but with only intermittent texts from Logan. It was frustrating, but I’d always despised girlfriends who clung to their men, unable to go so much as one night alone. That wouldn’t be me. I occupied my time by catching up on some housework and doing a little reading. A couple days alone were probably exactly what I needed.

My only issue was that I didn’t just have a busy boyfriend, but one who purposely kept me in the dark about something everyone around me couldn’t stop discussing. That was a hard pill to swallow. After that day in his home office, he hadn’t so much as mentioned Kurt’s name to me in any of the messages he sent—even when I asked.

The gossip mill around town spoke volumes to the stress he was dealing with. Rumors swirled like wildfire: Logan West was responsible for Kurt’s death. The sheriff had yet to name Logan a prime suspect, but had hinted he was a person of interest.

The looks and hushed whispers around the school ran rampant, but never once was I asked point blank for details. Besides seeing Oliver at school, happily unaware of the drama unfolding around him, I hadn’t spent any time with him, either. The West house sat quietly beside mine, with no activity and only the occasional flicker of light in the evening.

By Thursday night, I was aching to see Logan. I’d been lying on my couch, flipping through channels filled with reality shows and infomercials, and needed something from him.


I sent him a text, hoping he’d be free.

I miss you.

It took almost an hour before my phone chimed with a reply.

I know. Me too. Hate this. I’m going to kill Caleb.

I’d had no contact from Hilary since Monday after school, which had me even more worried.

Is he home yet? Has he found Hilary?

This time, his reply was instant.

No, but he owes me after this. If it was anyone other than his woman he was blowing shit off for, he’d be a dead man.


Don’t be. I’ll be at Haven tonight, then have some paperwork to finish. How about dinner tomorrow? Anything you want, I’ll make it.

I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth, stifling my grin. I liked the sound of that. I pictured him down at the bar, leaning against the brick wall, looking gorgeous in his suit with the jacket missing and sleeves rolled up, texting me and only me. How did I get so lucky?


You know it, but be careful. My dick’s hard just thinking about you. No teasing tonight.

I want to do more than tease you.

You have no idea how bad I want you right now. Send me a pic.

A pic? Did he mean, like, a nude pic? I looked down at my blue sweats and yellow varsity shirt. Nude would be better than that, but still, I didn’t have the nerve.

How about I stop down there and u can show me exactly how much u want me…in the backroom.

This time, his reply took a couple minutes, but it was worth the wait.

Do you need the definition of TEASING!!

I laughed, falling back onto the sofa and tucking a pillow under my head.

Not when I plan to deliver.

!!!! My dick's gonna explode damn you. Get that fine ass down here!

I jumped up. Ignoring the head rush, I was hopping into my boots when an idea sparked. My heart pounded and center wept as I kicked the boots back off and ran into my room. I tore out of my clothes, including underwear and bra. It only took a second to find what I needed in my top drawer. With an eager grin, I pulled on the white nightie I’d worn in his pool all those months ago.

I grabbed my keys and opened the front door, wearing only the nightie, my long trench coat, a red scarf, and boots. It was totally not enough to battle the weather, but I was certain my arousal would keep me warm. Cliché or not, I knew he wouldn’t be complaining.

My phone. I jogged back to the couch and went to slip it into my pocket when I saw a new text from Logan. My giddiness went vocal; a wild squeal floated out as I opened it.

Don’t hate me but do me a favor, stay warm at home and take a hot bath. No sense u coming down here. The idiots in the kitchen won’t give me any quality time with u. Promise I’ll make up for this.

The phone fell back to the sofa. Was this really happening? It was as though the universe were determined to keep us apart. I stomped back to the front door and slammed it shut, kicking off my boots yet again.

The scarf was suddenly constricting, the silk of the nightie against my bare skin a cruelty that needed to be shed. I undressed in my living room, exhaustion and aggravation sending my arousal into oblivion.

Damn it!

I made my way back to my bedroom, tucked the nightie back in my drawer, then crawled into bed. A bath was only fun with him in it.

After debating what to message back, I finally replied.

U owe me 4 nights of orgasms! And I expect payment in full! Soon! XO!

I waited for his response, and was nearly dozing off when it chimed.

Look forward to it baby. If u think Logan won’t mind.

I lurched up. What?

Who is this?

Who u think?


That’s my girl. So we gonna start those orgasms tonight? C u in ten.

Ewww! Where did Logan go?

He left his phone on the bar when he dragged a waiter out back to either beat his ass or fire him.


Shit mood tonight. Now I know why, text kitten

Ewwww x10! Tell Logan I’m going to bed!

'Night baby!

I tossed my phone across the room, hauled my blankets up over my head, and closed my eyes.

Morning couldn’t come fast enough after hours of restlessness. With my body begging for a snooze button, I sat up and found two missed calls and three texts from Logan.

So sorry! Jax is a dumb ass that will apologize next time he sees you. Call me.

I'm guessing you’re either asleep or too pissed to answer the phone. I love you and will call you in the morning.

The next text was received only a few minutes previous, at barely seven a.m.

I love you Cassandra X

With groggy eyes, I replied.

Love u too XO

I stopped by his house right after school later that day. It was Jax who opened the door again, smug as always.

“Come to claim something? I’m all yours.” He leaned in as I entered, walking past him. “Perfect timing, too.”

“What part of ‘ewww’ are you having trouble with, exactly?” I drawled, smiling at the way he chuckled. The guy was harmless. I unbuttoned my coat and opened the closet to hang it up. “Is Logan home? Please say yes.”


I sighed with relief. “Great, where is he?”

“Not here.”

My brows pinched together. “Wait, but you just said—”

“I said what you told me to say. And in case you’re wondering, I don’t mind taking orders in the bedroom from time to time either.”

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