Panic set in, and I instantly regretted turning my ringer off at Haven. Despite my assailing hangover pain, I sat up straight.

Nervously, I touched the screen to open the text.

I’m sorry. Don’t hate me.

As soon as I read it, I heard Caleb’s voice, loud and angry, echoing up through the floorboards.

“Where the hell is she!? Tell Cassandra I want to talk to her—NOW!”

I couldn’t hear what followed next. Logan must’ve been speaking to him, and in an appropriate indoor voice. Trembling with uncertainties, I texted Hilary back, my fingers sprinting over the keys.

Where r u? Call me asap! Caleb is here!

Something crashed downstairs and I jerked up further, sweeping my legs off the bed. My pulse raced.

“Cassandra, get your ass down here!” I heard Caleb shout, which was followed immediately by another loud boom.

Like a child heading in for punishment, I slipped on my robe, tightened its belt, and made my way down the hall. I stood at the top of the stairs, my jaw dropping at the scene below me.

A vase from the foyer was shattered across the marble floor, picture frames scattered around it. Caleb charged toward the stairs, dangerous eyes pinned on me. I froze, panic surging, ready to bolt just as Logan intervened, throwing him back.


“Don’t!” Logan threatened, blocking the first step. Then he called out over his shoulder, “You know where Hilary is, sweetheart?”

Blood rushed to my ears, loud and spiteful. She really did it—she left him. My stomach churned, hands slipping inside the pockets of my robe as I shifted from foot to foot.

“Um, I—”

“For fuck’s sake, WHERE IS SHE!?” Caleb roared. “Something’s wrong—don’t you dare lie to me! What is it, huh!? TELL ME!”

“Watch your fucking tone, or I’ll throw you out and you can find her yourself,” Logan warned him, in a voice so hard and intimidating my skin flushed with goose bumps.

Caleb was panting with rage, fists pumping at his sides. “My girl up and takes off before dawn leaving only a note, and I’m supposed to be okay with that!?”

Logan moved closer to Caleb and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I get that you’re angry and worried, but you will back off Cassandra or you’re gone.”

Caleb shoved Logan’s hand away and stormed backward. It wasn’t just anger radiating off him, though—he looked lost, confused, and worst of all sad. I couldn’t stand it.

“I’m sorry,” I managed finally, barely above a shamed whisper. “She was fine last night. What did you say when she told you? You must have done something to provoke her to leave.”

“Told me? She didn’t say a word. I woke up to a Dear John letter explaining she had a sick aunt she was going to take care of and that she’d be back in a few months. Months! Who the hell leaves in the middle of the night for months? Something is up, and I want to know what!”

I stood there, baffled. “Wait, but then…” She hadn’t told him. What the hell did I miss last night? As far as I knew, she was planning to tell him about the baby that morning.

A door in the hall opened, and Oliver’s head peeked out. I started toward him, stopping when I saw Jax leaning against the opposite wall. He’d been listening. The moment he saw Oliver, he went to him, lifting him up and carrying him toward me.

“Look who’s up!” Jax broadcasted for everyone to hear.

“Morning, Cassie,” Oliver squeaked after finishing a yawn.

“Morning, sunshine.”

“It’s loud,” he complained, scrunching his nose.

“Don’t worry, Daddy’s gonna make it quiet,” Jax told him as he carried Oliver past me and down the steps.

Caleb shoved his hands in his pockets and dropped his head.

“It’s all right. Caleb accidentally knocked a few things over,” Logan explained, not taking his gaze off Caleb. “You want some scrambled eggs for breakfast?”

“Yeah, and chocolate milk!” Oliver looked down at the mess on the floor. “You ’kay, Caleb?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, buddy. Just clumsy.” Caleb managed a semblance of a smile for him. “My bad.”

“Come on, let’s get you fed,” Jax said through the unbearable tension, carrying Oliver into the kitchen.

I descended the steps with wobbly movements. My throat was parched and my head throbbed worse than before, but all I could see was the grim display on Caleb’s face. It wasn’t my place to tell him, but how could I not?

I stopped midway down, closed my eyes, and drew in a shaky breath, unsure where to start. Damn you, Hilary!

“Why don’t you come have some breakfast, let Cassandra wake up, and then we can talk,” Logan said calmly. It was a statement, not a question.

“Please, Cassandra, just tell me where she is.” Caleb moved toward me as I reached the foyer, but Logan was there in front of me again, his protectiveness tangible.

“Is she leaving me? Did I do something?” Caleb’s brows pulled down as if he was scouring his mind for an answer—a spark of memory to mollify his fears.

“Come on! Breakfast time!” Oliver’s voice rang out.

Logan took my hand and led me away to the kitchen. Once there, he pulled me in close, our eyes connecting as his hands settled on my hips. He leaned in and whispered, “Whatever is going on, I want to know everything. I don’t do secrets, Cassandra.”

He was angry—or was it disappointment I saw flash in his eyes? There was no time to decipher it before he pulled away and went to the fridge, grabbing a carton of eggs.

I sat across from Jax at the table, scanning my brain numbly for the best way to tell Caleb the truth. He had followed us into the room and was leaning against the wall, typing on his phone. To Hilary, I presumed.

“How many eggs?” Oliver asked, then counted the fingers we all held up. Even Caleb held up two and shot Oliver a wink when he added them all up correctly.

Shit. Hit. Fan, Jax mouthed in my direction. I narrowed my eyes but didn’t reply.

We all ate together with Oliver as the conversationalist of the group; no one else spoke. We were just finishing when the doorbell rang.

Logan cursed under his breath, then went to stand.

“I’ll grab it,” Jax said, dropping his plate in the sink on the way out.

I glanced at Logan beside me. He was staring blankly down at his empty plate. I’d never seen him so quiet.

Under the table, I reached over and placed my hand on his thigh. He didn’t move—didn’t even look my way to relieve some of my anxiety. He wasn’t making it easy, which pissed me off. I needed him to trust me and give me a sign of comfort, but instead he was blocking me out. Did he really think I had secrets from him? This was the only one—and it wasn’t mine to tell.

Irritated, I removed my hand and stood. As I walked to the sink with my plate, Jax reappeared.

But he wasn’t alone.


“Mom!” Oliver flew from his seat and raced to her, his arms wide. She dropped down on her haunches and giggled when he reached her, squeezing tightly.

“Looks like I was too late. I’d been hoping to take Oliver to breakfast,” she explained.

“Then you should have asked yesterday.” Logan’s voice was harsh as he stood.

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