“Hilary…” I warned.

“Relax. Tonight we’re gonna kill her with kindness till she either leaves or adores you too much to ever lay a skanky finger on your man.”

I handed my coat over in exchange for a ticket. “Right. I’m gonna need a drink for sure.”

Fighting my way through the dense crowd was worth it, because at the end of the bar were three stools sectioned off for us—one of the perks of dating the owners.

“What you having tonight, ladies?” the bartender, Matt, asked, leaning across the bar the instant I sat down.

“Nothing for me. She’ll have her regular—and keep them coming!” Hilary yelled over the music, a twisted smile on her face.

“Am I gonna need to be drunk to endure tonight?” I asked.

“Probably,” Hilary laughed.

“I sure hope not.”

Both our heads shot to the side as Natasha slid onto the stool beside me. “Hey, girls, hope you haven’t been waiting for me.” She held up her hand to wave Matt over, then looked back at us. “Josh kept me busy this afternoon.” Innuendo seeped from her words.

“I’m sure,” Hilary said, her smile too wide to be genuine.


“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Better, with these.” She held up her clutch, shaking it to reveal the sound of pills rattling around.

Matt brought our drinks and smiled at Natasha. “Your regular as well, doll face?”

“You got it, babe.”

He threw her a wink. From the look of it, she knew Matt better than we did.

I grabbed my drink, swiveled around, and stood as the DJ blended Flo Rida seamlessly into his mix.

“Let’s dance!” I shouted. In two more gulps, my drink was finished, and I placed the empty glass on the bar. I snatched Hilary’s hand and led her to the floor. “You coming?” I called back to Natasha.

She held up a finger, signaling me to wait, then pointed at the drink Matt was setting in front of her. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

As Hilary and I pushed our way farther onto the dance floor, I threw my hands above my head and let my body follow the rhythm. The dance floor was crowded, but I hardly noticed. The music was loud and energetic, and I was feeling good as the tension trickled slowly from every inch of me.

Kat Graham’s “Power” slid on next, and Hilary and I sang along. Hilary had some outrageous moves, and was just getting into them when a tall, slender guy behind her who looked barely twenty-one slithered flush against her back, sliding his hands down her arms and hooking them onto her waist.

Hilary’s head snapped back and she moved forward at the same time one of the bouncers was on the creep, pulling him away. She flew at me, stunned as we watched the large bouncer lay into him.

“What was that about?” I asked when the guy was finally able to walk away, heading straight to the bar with his head down. The bouncer eyed Hilary once, then spoke a couple words to no one. We couldn’t hear what he said—and then I noticed his discreet headpiece.

“Caleb,” her voice grated, nostrils flaring. “I made him stay home tonight, and he wasn’t thrilled about it. Should have known he’d have eyes on me.”

“He loves you.”

Her frown lifted. “How about you have another drink for me? I need to live vicariously through someone tonight.”

I slipped my arm around her. “I’ll do my best, though Natasha might be better for you than me,” I said, watching Natasha shimmy between two frat guys who wore the biggest grins I’d ever seen. Their hands were everywhere, and she didn’t seem to mind.

“Looks like Josh doesn’t mind sharing!” Hilary shouted into my ear.

“Or he’s a fool and doesn’t know. Either way, not our business.”

Back at the bar, I ordered a shot. I tipped it back, then slammed the glass down on the bar. My lips puckered at the burn. It was rare for me to drink alone, but I went with it.

“Another?” Matt chuckled.

“Why not?” I shrugged, a lazy, quenched smile emerging across my lips.

He refilled the shot glass, but this time I took it with me to a booth in the back. Hilary and I sat, and a moment later Natasha was there sitting beside me.

“You looked like you were enjoying yourself,” Hilary said, staring at Natasha. Judgment darkened her expression.

Natasha didn’t seem to notice or care. “I was.”

I slammed back my shot the moment the waitress arrived, then ordered a vodka tonic.

“Sounds good. Make that two,” Natasha said.

The waitress looked to Hilary, who was staring past all of us. “I’ll be right back.”

She was up instantly and heading across the bar, where Caleb stood, his eyes on her. I scanned the room, my nerves spiking. Did Logan come with him?

“I don’t see him,” Natasha said.


“Logan. I don’t think he’s here.”

“Right. Doesn’t matter. He knows it’s a girls’ night.” I peeked again in the direction of Caleb to find him and Hilary gone.

“Caleb seems like a friendly guy. Good to Oliver, from what I hear,” Natasha said, turning to face me.

The waitress appeared with our drinks, stunning me at how quick she was. “Anything else?” she asked.

“No, thanks.” I lifted my glass and took a sip before turning my attention back to Natasha. “Caleb loves Oliver. He considers him family.”

“I want Oliver to have a lot of good role models in his life, Cassandra. I don’t know much about Caleb, but I do know if he’s close to my son, I’ll be getting to know him better as well.”

I said nothing and took another sip—a bigger one this time, draining nearly half the glass. Hilary would have a real problem with Natasha cozying up to Caleb, even in the interest of Oliver. Hilary wasn’t one to trust easily, and Natasha wasn’t exactly easily trusted.

“I’ve known him most of my life,” I told her. “He’s a good guy. No need to worry.”

“That possessive, irritating, gorgeous man is gonna drive me crazy!” Hilary growled, slipping back into her side of the booth. “Seriously, can you believe him?”

“Is he still here?” I followed her penetrating stare and spotted Caleb watching us as he maneuvered toward the door.

“He’s leaving. Said he only stopped in to pick up some paperwork. I call bullshit! That bouncer called him, and he just had to come and check on me.”

“I think it’s sweet.” I smiled. “And it’s not like he’s standing here hounding you. He left, didn’t he?”

A slow smile brightened her face. “Yeah. Damn it, he is sweet.”

“Or has a guilty conscience. You know, those that cheat worry others will too,” Natasha blurted out.

My head snapped her way, my jaw dropping. I started as she continued as if she hadn't just slapped Hilary in the face.

“I’m just saying—he’s hot and he’s been around the scene. I’d be careful.”

I shifted my gaze to Hilary, aware she was struggling to keep her claws sheathed.

“Caleb isn’t cheating on me, I assure you.”

Natasha frowned. “I’m sorry. That was a shitty thing for me to say. I didn’t mean it to come out that way.”

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