“Of course.” I peeked up at Logan.

“I’ll be back,” he assured me, his fingers slipping from mine as he followed Harry into the kitchen.

Unsure what to do, I sat on the sofa and watched as men and women in uniforms, some I knew, carried on around me. It was my house now and where I’d spent most of my childhood, yet I’d never felt more disconnected from it than I did in that moment.

Nothing felt real or whole. I was simply living, breathing, and waiting.

Chapter Two

Heat Wave

The longer I sat, the harder my eyes struggled to remain open. Logan and Harry had been in the other room for over thirty minutes. I knew that only because I’d watched every second tick by on the clock sitting on the table that once held photos, which were now scattered on the floor.

A kitchen chair squeaked, sliding against the linoleum. Heavy footsteps followed, and then Logan was there, sitting beside me. I sat up, snapping out of my trance and wiping my eyes to stay awake.

It’s my turn.

With a slight tilt of my head in his direction, I forced a smile. He saw through me and lifted my hand, covering it with his before bringing it to his lips. Anticipating a peck to my knuckles, I relished the touch of his lips pressed to my skin. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, savoring it himself. The affectionate act soothed my tensions, and I believed his as well.

Harry sat across from us, his solemn gaze fixed on the notepad he held. When he raised his head, a commanding power emanated from him.


“I’m going to try and keep this as brief and straightforward as possible, Cassandra, but I need to know all the details for us to properly prosecute the case. I know how strong you are.” A hint of a smile eased the heaviness of his words. “A lot like your mother. So let’s get through this, and then I’ll have my officers out of your home. All right?”

I bobbed my head awkwardly, unsure where to start. What were the details? My thoughts were a flurry of bits and pieces in no particular order. I needed to think back to the beginning, but all I saw was Kurt standing outside my car, reeking of resentment and hatred, and then his fist smashing the window. The snow I’d run through was deep and cold and the forest was viscous, wicked branches blocking my way as my feet trudged forward as fast as they could.

I recoiled, breathless, and stared at Harry. A sweltering, suffocating heat suddenly infiltrated my trembling limbs. I squirmed, suddenly uncomfortable in my own skin. Is anyone else feeling this?

Logan held our interlaced fingers protectively above his heart and gave mine a supportive squeeze. I peered his way and was met with cool, deep aqua eyes so soft and full of concern that I wanted desperately to relieve.

I traced my thumb over his knuckles absentmindedly and then looked back at Harry, who sat waiting patiently.

“I saw him in the grocery store—the one on Main Street.” I shook my head. “Well, I guess there’s only one grocery store, huh? So you know where it is already. At least…only one in town, only one I go to,” I said, rambling like a fool. “I don’t care much for the big-box store they built down the road. My mom does. I think it’s too crowded…too many options, and honestly, I felt like I was cheating when I went—you know, like I’m not supposed to be there. I can’t stand the thought of being responsible for closing down a local business that I’ve shopped at my entire life just to save a buck.” I wiped my brow; Harry was just staring at me.

Crap, he probably shops there. What am I even talking about?

“Anyway, like I said, my mom shops there and loves it. Says it’s worth the drive. She doesn’t make much money, so she needs to save that buck. I mean, not that the station doesn’t pay her well. You do. She loves her job, really—never has a bad word to say.” I let out a short, broken chuckle. “Well, except for this one time at a Christmas party you threw. She said that—”

Logan’s finger pressed to my lips, silencing me. Thank God!

“Breathe, then tell him about what happened with Kurt.”

My head nodded for way too long. What the hell had I been about to tell him? My mom would’ve killed me.

“Right. Anyway, I…I s-saw him—I mean, h-he saw me,” I stuttered. Pull it together. “I’m not sure who saw who first.”

I wiped away the sweat that had begun beading at the back of my neck. Why was this so hard? I didn’t even recognize myself.

Harry looked as confused as I felt. “You did or did not see him at the local grocery store?”

“I didn’t.” God, I’m burning up. I scrubbed my hand over my forehead, then it slid down between my throat and the fabric of the suffocating robe.

Okay, think. Stay focused.

Harry leaned forward, appraising me. “Would you like a glass of water?”

“Yes, please. I’m sorry, it’s just so hot in here.” I lifted my hair from my neck, twisting it over my shoulder. “The damn furnace.” I huffed out an awkward laugh. Not helping.

Harry stood and walked into the kitchen. Did he know where the glasses were? I guessed he’d find them.

“Hey, you okay? You’re shaking.” Logan shifted to face me. He released my hand, his eyes growing wider as I tugged at my robe, needing airflow to calm the flames within.

“Just hot. Aren’t you?”

Logan was still dressed in his work suit, but his jacket was missing and tie was loosened. He looked perfect, as usual, but there was no way he wasn’t experiencing the same extreme heat.

“It’s a little warm in here, but you’re…you don’t look well.” His fingers brushed over my blazing cheeks. Closing his eyes with a poorly suppressed groan, he stood. His features hardened, and suddenly there was undeniable anger written across his face.

But why? I was fine—just severely overheated.

“That’s it. I’m telling him you’ll come to the station tomorrow. You need to rest—depressurize.”

“No.” I ran my hand down my chest, fanning the flames. “Can you just turn down the temperature?”

He shot me a crazed look. “Cassandra, that’s not the furnace, that’s you. You need to take some time. Get some sleep, and then you can give the statement.”

“It’s best if we take it now,” Harry interjected as he reentered the room and offered me a glass of cold water.

Oh, thank God. I chugged a big gulp to douse my internal fire. Relief flooded my system.

“While it’s still fresh in her mind,” he continued. “I know this is difficult. There’s no rush. Take all the time you need, but it has to be today.” Harry sat back in his seat and pulled out a pen and notepad. His eyes were on me; they were full of kindness, and I knew he’d wait all night if he had to. “I’ll be ready when you are.”

I turned my gaze upward to Logan’s, pleading silently for him to sit back down. Looking anywhere but at me, he raked his fingers through his hair and sucked in a breath so deep his nostrils flared. After a long pause, he conceded. The instant he sat, he folded his hand over mine and held it on his lap once again—exactly where it belonged.

I finished my water and set the empty glass on the coffee table.

“Okay, I’m ready.”

Harry readied his pen.

“I felt someone watching me at the grocery store. I didn’t see who it was, but Kurt told me he saw me there. He said it was a coincidence.”

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