“What?” I breathed out. She was serious. Holy crap! How do I talk her out of this?

“I talked to my aunt in Toronto. She said she knows the landlord of a small loft apartment on her block, and the rent is cheap. I’ll get a job there, and before you know it I’ll be back. Everything will be normal again.”

My head was spinning, tears burning my eyes. “Hilary.” I had so many words to say, but no way to get them out. I was shocked silent. All I could muster was a lifeless, “Don’t.”

“I have to.”

“No, you have to talk to Caleb. Let him be there for you.”

“Right, like you let Logan be there for you?”

That hit low and hard.

“That was different.”

“Really? ’Cause I remember seeing you hurt and scared, a guy who loved you and wanted nothing but to work his ass off for your forgiveness, and you treating him like shit!”

My mouth fell open. “What? That was…he hurt me.”

“And he apologized again and again! Do you know how many nights he showed up at Caleb’s drunk out of his mind, with worry and regret over what he did to you? He would just sit there on Caleb’s couch staring at nothing in the dark until he passed out.”


Logan. I wanted to hold him and comfort him more than ever, even though we’d already moved on from the past together.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered, sadness overwhelming me.

“I couldn’t. You were so angry, and I understood that. You had a right to be. But Logan…he took everything you threw at him, and I stood by you each and every time. All I want is for you to do the same.”

“But Caleb hasn’t done a thing wrong.”

“I know, but I’m terrified of losing him, and of being a shit mother. I don’t want this. Not now. So please, either stand beside me and help, or stay out of it and keep your mouth shut. You owe me at least that much.”

The door was slamming behind her before I was able to speak. What the hell just happened?

“I believe you just got put in your place.”

I turned and glared at Jax, who was wearing a smug grin.

“Didn’t think you were still here,” I said, irritated at too many things.

“Well, I am, and your friend…is she always that bitchy, or is it a pregnant thing?”

“She’s not… wait, you heard? Jax, you can’t tell anyone. Do you understand? Not even Logan.”

His eyes gleamed. “So you’re saying this is a secret?”


“A secret you’re keeping from my dear big brother.” He clicked his tongue in mock disapproval. “I’m not sure he’d appreciate me lying to him. I mean, he’s given me a place to stay, money in my pocket…” He let his words hang.

“What do you want?” I sighed, gathering my hair and twisting it in the back out of my way.

“Your help.”



“Why? You hate her.”

“I do, but for the moment I need to appease her.”

“So let me see if I understand correctly: She has something on you, so you’re attempting to blackmail me?” I wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness.

“That about sums it up. I knew there was more than one reason Logan fell for you.”

With a disgusted grunt, I crossed my arms. “I’m not helping you with anything.” I brushed past him to exit the room, making my way toward the stairs.

“Just ask Logan to be nicer to her. That’s all I’m asking.”

“No. Why don’t you be nice to her?”

“I am!”

I reared back, gaping at him. “That was you being nice yesterday?”

“Sure was.” He flashed a cocky grin that spurred my irritation and had me moving again—faster.

“I’m not helping you with anything that is ordered and not asked for politely. Find some manners, already.” Yeah, bitchy Cassandra was in the house.

“Then I’ll just make a quick call to Caleb to let him know his girlfriend is planning to give away his child. Caleb has a temper—especially where family’s concerned. You ever see it?”

I exhaled a long-winded breath and halted my steps. “Tell me why you’re helping Natasha to begin with. What does she have on you?”

His smugness disappeared, and was replaced with irritation. “She just wants a chance to prove herself, that’s all. What she has on me means shit compared to my nephew having a chance with his mother. We need to give her a chance to try. Ask Logan to at least acknowledge her, and I won’t speak a word about Miss Preggo.”

Holding his stare, I felt a smile creep onto my expression. “No. If I want to help Natasha, it will be on my own terms, and because I believe she deserves it—not because of you or anyone else. If you want to call Caleb, I can’t stop you. But if you do, you and me?” I pointed back and forth between us. “You can kiss any chance of us ever being friendly again goodbye.”

I’d begun climbing the stairs when he called out, “All right, damn, can’t blame me for trying. Honestly, I’m impressed. Thought you’d do anything to protect her secret.”

“Like I said, it’s not my secret. And I’ll never lie to Logan.”

That seemed to please him. “Well, it’s safe with me. I won’t tell a soul.”

Smiling to myself, I continued walking. “Thank you.”

“You should know, though, Logan hates secrets. Just a little fact to remember.”

I nodded as he appeared beside me. “Good to know, but I told you, I won’t lie to Logan…ever.”

We walked up in silence a few steps before I asked, “So, where were you?”


“When the doorbell rang. I waited for you to answer it. Wait, let me guess—chilling in your room for some guy time?’

He chuckled. “Nope. Shower.”

“Ah.” We reached the top. “I’m about to go running. Want to join?”

Suddenly, he was laughing. “I attempted to blackmail you minutes ago, and now you’re asking me to go jogging with you?”

“I am. No reason we can’t be friends.”

“I’m intrigued. Most chicks would’ve either folded and accepted defeat or threatened to tell Logan.”

“Well, I’m not doing either. So what do you say? Are you a runner?”

“Sounds fun, but I have plans.”

The doorbell rang a moment later, and his brows rose. “Now that is someone I’ll be spending time with in my room—and I’ll be greatly enjoying myself.”

Jax headed down the stairs and opened the door to reveal a beautiful brunette with a short pixie cut and not even a trace of makeup on. She looked sweet, friendly, and so not Jax’s type, but what did I know about what he looked for in a girl?

He held out his hand, telling her to enter, and led her up the stairs past me. “Cassandra, this is my tutor. We have some studying to do.”

“Studying?” He wasn’t in school.

She said a quick hello as Jax threw a sly wink my way behind her. “Lots of studying,” he mouthed, grinning.

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