"Laura, can you check the coat pockets and see if you can find the cell phone he took from you? There might be a signal out here, and you could call 911," Monty requested.

With an expression of distaste at handling anything belonging to that man, Laura dug through the many pockets and found her small cell phone. Showing the initiative Monty had admired before, she scrambled up the embankment to be on higher ground, and tried the call. The signal was very faint but at least it was present, and to her relief someone answered her call. She reported that there had been a shooting and someone was hurt, and they needed police and an ambulance. She turned and called down to Monty, "Monty, where are we located here? They want to know."

"Just tell them we're where Peachtree Valley Road meets the main county highway - they'll know where that is," replied Monty.

Laura finished her call and slid down the bank to join Monty where he was doing a crude bandaging job on the man he'd shot.

"They said they should be here in about 20 minutes. Now, tell me - how in the world did you get here to save me?" Laura exclaimed to Monty.

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