“Is that why you did all this?” David asked, looking around for a second.

Christian nodded. “I didn’t think you’d believe me if I told you with words, so I wanted to say it with pictures,” he confessed, and then stilled as he watched David and waited. There was nothing more left to say. Christian had put all his cards on the table, and now it was up to David to decide if he believed him or not. Truthfully, Christian knew he wouldn’t blame David if he didn’t.

Slowly, Christian shifted from foot to foot, watching David’s face, and then he saw the beginnings of a smile that continued to build, and he knew. When David stepped closer and into his arms, Christian was on top of the world. Petting David’s back, he felt his arms around his waist, hugging tighter and tighter. Then David tilted his face to Christian’s, tugging him into a kiss that stole Christian’s breath away. Returning the kiss, Christian cupped David’s head in his hand, deepening the kiss. Christian almost couldn’t believe David was once again in his arms after he’d made such a mess of things.

After kissing for a long time, Christian simply held David, relishing having him close and being able to hold him in his arms. Christian knew what he wanted to do, and part of him screamed to take David out of the studio and into his bedroom. He could tell David had the same idea, but he forced himself to step back.

Christian lightly touched David’s cheek, freshly shaved skin caressing his palm. “No rushing this time,” Christian explained. “Besides, I believe we have a photo session to get ready for this morning.”

David looked confused and walked to the desk. “There’s nothing on the calendar.”

“I know. They got booked at the last minute.”

“What should I get set up?” David asked already moving away to get things ready.

“Nothing. We’re going to the park today.” Christian said with a smile as he packed up the camera. “You’ll need your camera too.”

“Why?” David asked suspiciously.

Christian smiled and waited until David’s curiosity got the better of him. “Last night while I was printing and hanging all these pictures of you, I got inspired. I’ve been building a library of photographs and I’ve decided to put together a different sort of book. It’s going to be calledThe Boy Next Door,and I even have my cover.” Christian walked to the photograph of David watching him. “But there’s a problem: I need a few more pictures of this incredible man and I was hoping he’d let me take them.”


“I’m not a model,” David said, and Christian looked all around the studio.

“You don’t have to be. All you need to be is you. I promise.” Christian smiled before tugging David toward him, kissing him gently.

“Why do I need my camera?”

“You’re a photographer, and I want to take pictures of you as a photographer, just like I took pictures of the tennis player. I have plenty of photographs of you working around the studio, so now I want to take photographs of you taking your pictures,” Christian explained before moving toward the studio door, holding it open for David as he carried his camera bag.

On the street, Christian hailed a cab, and they rode to Central Park. “What do you want me to do?” David asked as they got out, walking past the Plaza Hotel before entering the southern edge of the park.

“Anything you want. Take your pictures, wander through the park. All you need to do is pretend I’m not here.” Christian grinned as David took his camera out of its bag, handing the bag over to Christian to carry along with his own. Then he was off, and Christian wandered behind, watching David as he knelt to take a picture. Christian lifted his own camera and took picture after picture of David as he lined up his shot. Once David had it, he turned to look at Christian with a grin on his face, and he caught that as well.

For the rest of the summer morning, they wandered through the park, taking pictures. Christian fell behind, and David seemed to forget he was there. As the heat built, David pulled off his t-shirt, shoving it into his back pocket. Christian smiled as he caught a photograph of a shirtless David, skin glistening in the sun, jeans hanging low on his hips, his camera around his neck, watching sailboats on the boat pond. The shot was gorgeously sexy, and at that moment, Christian wanted to run to him and drag David back to the apartment and into bed. But he didn’t.

At lunch time, they ate from a vendor. “Did you get any good shots?” David asked after swallowing a mouth full of hotdog.

“Yes,” Christian answered after swallowing his own bite. “Did you?”

“I think so.” David sipped from his can of soda. “I’m never really sure until I look at them. Sometimes I think I have a great shot and it turns out terrible, and then sometimes there are the surprises.”

“We all get those. It’s what every photographer lives with. The uncertainty is what makes the pictures special.” Christian finished his hotdog and waited while David got another. Once they’d eaten, they continued their trek through the park. Christian knew he had plenty of pictures for what he needed, but David was still so excited that they continued to the Great Lawn and Belvedere Castle. Christian began to wander, taking his own photographs just for fun. A few times he caught David being goofy, and he snapped a picture like a tourist. As they continued, something changed for Christian, and he tried to remember the last time he’d simply taken pictures for fun.

“Are you ready to go?” David asked as he raced across the lawn, skidding to a stop just in front of Christian.

“Are you?” Christian replied, and David nodded as he grinned, and they walked together toward one the avenues that lined the park so they could catch a cab home.

“Do you really want to use me in one of your books?” David asked as they rode back toward the studio.

Christian smiled broadly. “Yes, and I really do want you for the cover.” They rode quietly back to the studio, getting out of the cab and hurrying upstairs. Christian placed his bag by the desk and immediately headed into the apartment. He needed to clean up, and he expected David to follow, but he didn’t hear him. After listening for a few minutes, he returned to the studio, finding David hard at work at the computer, downloading and looking at his pictures. Christian couldn’t stop a smile. He remembered a time when he, too, was so excited about his own pictures.

Quietly, he reached for his bag, pulling out his camera and snapping a few pictures. The sound of the shutter interrupted David, and he turned toward Christian. “Sorry. I just wanted to look at these.”

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