“Stroke your chest for me,” Christian told Stavros, and the young man ran his hands over his skin, fingers plucking and pinching his own nipples. David knew Stavros was imagining that his hands were Christian’s because David did the same thing night after night. “Yes, that’s beautiful.” “I want you,” Stavros moaned softly as he stared at Christian, his eyes burning, and Christian continued shooting. This was the effect he was after: the hot, smoldering look of passion barely contained. He was famous for it. Before David had come to work for Christian, he’d always wondered how Christian’s pictures captured such intensity, and now he knew. Christian made each model fall in love with him, if only for a few hours. “I want you so bad my skin burns,” Stavros said with a need that rumbled in his chest. David shifted almost continuously as he watched the session, trying to keep his attention where it belonged, on the technical aspects of the shoot, but all he could do was watch Christian as he prowled around the bed like a large cat, snapping picture after picture of the vision that curled and writhed on the sheets.

Christian stepped away from the bed, but Stavros’ and Christian’s eyes never left each other. David had learned very early on that this was part of Christian’s magic. When he was with a model, his eyes never left the subject and his focus never wavered. David knew that Christian’s attention could be powerful, and he was seeing that demonstrated right in front of his eyes as Christian set his hand held camera aside and picked up the mobile activator. “Is this what you really want?” Christian asked as he moved closer once again.

“Yes,” Stavros hissed softly. “Fuck me.”

Christian stepped closer still, pressing the plunger as Stavros reached out to him, his lips begging. Nine cameras all around the bed went off at the same time, capturing Stavros’ expression from every angle. Christian stepped closer, and when Stavros opened the fastener on Christian’s pants, they fell to the floor. Christian stepped out of them, and Stavros slid to the edge of the bed, his legs coming to his chest in front of Christian, who set the plunger on the bed and rolled on a lubed condom.

David’s hips began to thrust on their own as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. David heard the shudders click almost silently as Christian sank into Stavros. He heard the model groan as he was stretched on Christian’s thick cock. “Yes,” Stavros cried, and David wanted to move closer but didn’t dare in case he cast a shadow. Moving slowly and silently in sock feet, David shifted until he could see Stavros’ face in the throes of blissful passion. This was the expression Christian was famous for—total passionate abandon.

Soft murmurs reached David’s ears, but he could make out nothing of what was actually being said. That wasn’t needed. Both men were lost in their own world, and the only sound David could make out for certain was the soft click of the cameras and the occasional groan from Stavros as Christian fucked him with abandon. “Come for me, sweetheart,” Christian said, his voice deep and rough.

Stavros moaned and began to keen softly as their passion built. David could feel his own rising as he watched Christian’s tight, round ass pulsate as he and Stavros moved together. David found his attention centering on Christian’s butt, wishing he was on the receiving side of all that sensual energy. His own hole throbbed and pulsed as he clenched, his hips moving back and forth in time to Christian’s. David saw Stavros’s mouth fall open as he cried out, and David knew he was coming. He didn’t have to see him painting his chest with white streaks. He could see it by the expression on his face. Christian was coming as well, even as the camera shutters continued. David’s legs began to shake as his balls pulled up to his body, and he brought his hand to his mouth as he, too, came hard, his eyes slamming shut as his orgasm barreled through him like a freight train.

Tingles floated through his body, and David knew he had to remain upright. Opening his mouth, he breathed as evenly and levelly as he could, wishing there was something he could hold on to keep himself standing. Gradually, the feeling passed, and David became aware of himself enough to turn away from the others. Silently, he removed the tissues he’d used to line his briefs, throwing them away.

He’d learned the hard way that he had to do something, because this tended to happen during these sessions.

Flipping out the photographic lights, he threw the room into near darkness, knowing that both Christian and Stavros would need some time. David waited until he heard movement before turning on one of the soft lights on the far side of the studio, then he opened the door and left the work area, sitting on the sofa in Christian’s apartment, and waited.

David knew he should be ashamed of himself. He was there to do a job, and though he’d tried to be dispassionate, it never worked. It wasn’t the models that got him worked up. They were strangers, and he really didn’t feel anything for them no matter how beautiful they were. It was Christian who drove him out of his mind. David knew he shouldn’t allow himself to feel anything at all for his boss, but he did. Christian was demanding and impatient, but that was when he was working. At other times, he was warm and as open as anyone David had ever met. That was the Christian he liked, the one that made his heart race, and the one he kept seeing during every photo shoot.


He knew he shouldn’t feel this way—he had no right to. Checking his watch, he sighed and stood up, quietly opening the door to the studio. David stepped inside and closed it behind him, quietly walking the perimeter of the room to where Christian kept a small desk. He sat down and began calling up the pictures from the shoot, getting them all together because Christian would want to see them right away, and they needed to be cataloged and organized.

Looking up from the monitor, he saw Christian sitting on the side of the bed, fully clothed, lightly stroking Stavros’s skin. They were talking very softly, and David saw Christian lean forward, kissing the model very lightly before moving away. Christian walked toward him, and David lowered his eyes as he got back to work. He needed to concentrate and keep his mind off the feelings that threatened to overwhelm him. He’d seen Christian act the same way with a number of guys over the past few months. Not all of Christian’s sessions ended with sex, but enough did that David knew the routine. Christian let each of them down very gently. What he said to them David didn’t know, because he was always outside the room for fifteen minutes or so. “Take your time, David,” Christian said softly. “I believe these pictures are some of the best yet.” David nodded but said nothing, trying to keep his eyes from traveling to the naked man still resting on the bed. Christian must have followed David’s gaze, because he walked back toward the bed, pressing the plunger on the remote cameras a few times before joining Stavros once again. After more words and another light kiss, the young model stirred and slowly got up off the bed, walking naked back to where he’d changed his clothes. As soon as he was behind the screen, Christian turned and nodded to David before leaving the room.

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