Chapter 6

Shocking discoveries


“I …um …”


Mum cuts her off.

“It’s ok if you don’t know. It could be something that isn’t so obvious, like speaking to animals, where you don’t know until you try. Don’t worry if you don’t know.”

Mum is trying to comfort Malaya. I don’t know if Malaya even knows what her ability is. Maybe it’s driving me crazy. Because she seems really talented at that, for 2 fucking nights she is all I’ve been thinking of, dreaming off. Maybe her ability is to draw men in because my fucking brothers can’t stop looking or talking about her or to her. They are really pissing me off. What the fuck is wrong with that bastard Titus.

Fucking winking at her. Then showing off to impress her. He must have made her insecure because she probably can’t do any of the things we can, besides she might not have the control we have if she does. I mean we have had 4years at this school to learn to manage some control over our abilities. She didn’t even know she was an immortal, let alone have anyone to help her learn to issue control.

She looks at the ground uncertainty edged on that angelic face.