Who knew that was my last chance and that now I am too late.

Chapter 21

Sometimes you just can’t help but hurt those around you


After Kale’s shocking confession I am filled with mixed emotions towards him, I mean it was really sweet the fact that he thought that he liked me from the day he saw me, I mean so not expecting that, but then he also said that he didn’t wanna ask me out because he basically didn’t want to lose Amy. Or at least that he didn’t want her to lose interest in him, I’m not going to lie, that was a bit crushing. I mean I came close to having him, but he still wanted some part of her. He clearly had a hard time deciding between the two off us and I don’t want to be with someone like that, I want someone who knows I’m right for them.

This is really confusing, seriously a few days ago and I would have jumped at the opportunity at a relationship with Kale now I’m more unsure of myself than ever. I really like Julian, so I can’t ruin what we have before it even starts and Julian is someone that I can see myself with. He isn’t afraid to compliment me or hold my hand in front of people, he doesn’t care that another woman might see, and she won’t want him any more.