“And you suddenly thought you could change your mind? Well, you’re wrong. You can’t. You gave him up, and he’s all mine.”

“You’re just bitter because I didn’t want you, because I didn’t want to marry you and take care of you.”

A couple of months ago, she might have let him convince her this was true. But now she knew better. So much better that she didn’t even need to argue or to protest that it wasn’t true. When he’d turned away from her when she’d first told him she was pregnant, she had been horrified to realize that he didn’t want to know his child. Worse, that he’d told her to get rid of it without blinking an eye. But now she realized what a gift his disinterest had been, because Mason was a million times better off without the Bentleys in his life.

“You didn’t want to take care of anyone but yourself,” she countered. “Your name is nowhere near the birth certificate.”

“I can easily get a DNA test.”

“I suppose you could,” she agreed. “Although I can’t help but wonder how your wife feels about your plan.” She could see that he was still confused about why she wasn’t yet cowering or giving in to his demands. “Does she even know you’re here?”

“It doesn’t matter what she thinks. She’ll do what I tell her.”

“Even taking on another woman’s child after she’s ‘failed you’ by not being able to get pregnant?” But Grace didn’t need to wait for his reply. “Actually, I’m sure she will, since that’s probably how your entire relationship has been so far.” Grace knew she shouldn’t feel anything for Richard’s wife, but how could she help but feel sorry for someone who was a part of that horrible family? “What about your parents? Have you consulted them about your change of heart?” He flinched, and she didn’t care if it was small of her, she loved seeing it, enjoying his discomfort. “They wanted me and the baby even less than you did.”

All this time she had thought she wasn’t tough enough, wasn’t good enough, but now she knew better. She was strong. She was good enough…and she wasn’t putting up with her ex’s crap for one more second.

“They want an heir to carry on the name,” he told her, but she could see from the uncertainty in his tone and expression that he hadn’t yet run his plans by the senior Bentleys. Which, on the plus side, meant that they hadn’t personally sent him here to take Mason. “Now tell me where the babysitter lives so that I can go see my son.”

“The day you offered me money to get rid of him, he stopped being your son.” She knew it was finally time to play the cards she’d kept so carefully guarded just in case this should ever come to pass. And then, as soon as he got the hell away from her, she’d finally use her defense fund to hire the best custody lawyer to keep Mason safe. “I have proof that your parents tried to bribe me with fifty thousand dollars to abort the baby and then another fifty thousand to never speak of my time with you. I kept the checks they forced on me.”


“This isn’t over,” he said, but even as he said it, she could see that she’d shaken his confidence. First by asking him if his parents—who kept him on a very short leash—knew what he was doing right now, and then by reminding him about the Bentley blood money. “My son is going to want to know who his father is. What are you going to tell him?”

“I won’t lie to him. Not about you, or anything. One day, when he’s old enough, it will be up to him if he wants to see you. But right now it’s up to me. And I don’t want you or your horrible family to have any part in his life.” She moved closer to him, with enough fierce purpose that though she was nearly a foot shorter and he’d come here to intimidate her, he was the one taking a step back. “You are going to go away now and leave us alone. And if you come back at any point without my express permission, I will go to my extensive contacts in the press and expose you and your parents for the kind of people you really are.”

He tried to stand his ground then, as he blustered, “Do you really think people will believe some slut who’s just trying to get her fifteen minutes in the spotlight? Or are they much more likely to believe a senator? It will be your word against theirs.”

She knew the word slut was supposed to hurt her, but she was bulletproof now. The scared girl who had broken down when he’d dumped her was gone, and in her place was a woman who would fight to the very end to protect the child she loved.

“Actually,” she said in a remarkably cheerful voice, “it will be their word against themselves.”

“Bullshit. You have no proof that they did anything wrong. Giving you money to help you out is not a crime.”

“When your parents came to my house, I was transcribing an interview. I had the recorder in my hand.” She enjoyed watching the color drain from Richard’s face. “They were so full of themselves that it never occurred to them that I would fight back, or that I would record their ‘offer.’ And you know how recognizable your father’s voice is.”

“I always knew you were trash,” Richard snarled at her. “All it ever took to get you into bed was the price of a fancy meal and a couple of glasses of champagne.”

She could have shot back a half-dozen barbs, but she was done with him. Completely done.

Besides, she knew that the reason he was trying to wound her now was because he finally understood that he couldn’t fight her for Mason, not if there was a chance of the former senator’s recording coming to light. Richard might not have known too much about her, but he clearly knew she wasn’t a liar. She wouldn’t make a threat like this if she didn’t intend to back it up.

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