“Would that really be best?” he asked. “To wait that long?”

She knew he wasn’t just talking about sailing anymore, even as she said, “I really think it would.” The easiest thing would have been to lean in for another kiss. Easy and oh so good. But she’d stopped being able to take the easy road a year and a half ago. “Good night, Dylan.”

His hands tightened on her hips for a split second, sending shivers through her entire body before he finally let her go. “Good night.”

And the craziest thing of all was that, despite knowing she needed to keep a tight rein on her heart, Grace couldn’t remember ever having had a better one.


Few things, few places, were better than a sunny Saturday morning at the harbor. Families gathered to take out the boats that had been docked all week, dogs barked and played, people’s laughter skipped along the glassy surface of the water.

Dylan was back from a quick sail around the Sound by nine and had been working since then on the twenty-four-foot sloop. All the boats he’d built had been a labor of love, but none more than this one. He’d told his family the boat was for a buyer out of San Francisco. But it was actually a surprise for his brothers, his sister, their mates and their kids. He was more than happy to have them use his boats any time they wanted to, but he wanted them to have a sailboat of their own. One where he’d personally laid every plank, pounded every nail. He’d turned down several lucrative boatbuilding contracts in the past couple of months and would happily have turned down more if he hadn’t been at the tail end of the build now.

He had rock ’n’ roll blasting—courtesy of his new brother-in-law, Ford Vincent—while the sun streamed in through the boathouse doors and the open skylights overhead. Today was especially sweaty work. Sweaty and satisfying. Just like sex, he thought with a grin as he wiped his face dry with the T-shirt he’d taken off a while ago.

Man, that kiss last night...

Dylan had to stop and take a few seconds to relive the moment when Grace’s lips had touched his. Everything had gone so hot so fast that he’d had to scramble to catch up. He’d wanted to possess, to brand, to never let go of her soft curves. If he could have lingered over their first kiss, he would have. Instead, as her body strained against his, with only his mouth on hers, he’d ravaged her.

And she’d done exactly the same thing to him.


For as hot as he’d been from the heat of the day and sun pouring in over him, thinking about Grace now had Dylan burning up enough that he needed to grab a Coke and stand on the dock for a few minutes to let the breeze cool him down.

He took in the sun glinting off the water and the boats, the sound of the seals barking playfully at each other, the smell of sunscreen and sea air as a mother and daughter headed out into the bay on a Laser. It was a small boat compared to the yachts owned by the rich and famous of the Pacific Northwest, but it was a classic. A Laser was the first boat his dad had sailed with him. Max Sullivan loved the water, but he wasn’t a natural sailor, even if he understood the technicalities of sailing to the finest detail. It was a windier day than a couple of beginners should have been out in, but Dylan had learned fast and had kept them from turtling.

It had been a thrill handling the rigging, learning to tack, holding the tiller, flying across the water. Even better when it started to turn, when he’d had to save them from going over. He’d always enjoyed an easy sail, one where he could just stretch out in the sun and let his mind wander, but right from that first sail he’d known that it was easy to sail well in perfect conditions; it was when the ride started getting rocky that the stronger wills rose to victory.

Even after the kiss he and Grace had shared, Dylan knew she was sure nothing could work between them. Tonight’s trip to the aquarium would be another step in proving to Grace that she could trust him not only to be her and her son’s friend, but hopefully so much more, too.

He was determined to prove this to her, one perfect kiss at a time...

He might have felt a little bad about throwing her into the deep end last night with his family were it not for the facts that (a) they were awesome, and (b) if all went well with them she would be getting to know his brothers and sisters and parents anyway, so why not do it sooner rather than later? And it had been really good to see how well she fit in with them all despite her initial nerves. In fact, while she’d been helping his mother in the kitchen for a few minutes, Rafe had pulled him aside.

“I never thought that when you finally fell for a woman, it would be one with a kid you’d have to be home for,” his brother had said. “But there’s something about Grace—and her baby is pretty cute, too. You thinking about hanging up the sails for a while?”

“Families sail around the world all the time,” had been Dylan’s reply. “Until then, it’ll be great to be home more.”

Rafe’s eyebrows had gone up, then. “You’re really serious about her, aren’t you?” When Dylan had nodded, Rafe had asked, “How long has this been brewing?”

Dylan had grinned and said, “We met on Tuesday,” then went to help Grace and Mason get seated at the dining table while his brother’s head spun. It was always fun to throw his siblings off, especially over something they’d never seen coming.

He was just heading back inside when his phone rang. The sight of his parents’ number on the caller ID screen made him break his usual rule to ignore it when he was working.

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