As Grace took Mason from him and tried to rock him back to sleep, Adam and Rafe were trying not to laugh. Dylan would have been right there with them both were it not for the fact that he could see Grace panicking as she tried to soothe her little boy, to no avail.

He reached out for Mason’s little hand and stroked it softly to try to get his attention. As plump wobbly lips and eyes that were just starting to fill with tears met his, Dylan widened his eyes and stuck out his tongue. Thankfully, soon Mason was imitating him by sticking out his little tongue and giggling.

“I’ll take him outside,” Grace whispered as she started to move away from the rest of the group, but Mia was already saying, “This is so perfect, saying our vows while the cutest baby ever giggles at the silly faces everyone is making at him.” She looked back at Ford. “I want one of those. Soon.”

He leaned over to kiss her, but even though he spoke in a low voice, they could all hear him say, “We’ll get started tonight.”

Adam groaned again as the two lovebirds clearly forgot there was anyone else in the living room with them. “Ian, I think that’s your cue to get started.”

With a grin and a nod, Ian began. “We’re here tonight to witness the joining of a man and woman who have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt not only that they are meant to be together, but also that they have what it takes to make love last. All any of us have ever wanted for you, Mia, is happiness and true love. Knowing that you’ve found that with Ford makes this one of the best moments of our lives, and we’re thrilled to be able to share in your vows with each other tonight.”

Dylan could hear Grace’s breath hitch in her throat as emotion swamped her, and he reached out to put his hand over hers.

Ford brought both of Mia’s hands up to his mouth and pressed a kiss to them before he began to speak. “You are everything to me, Mia. My dreams. My heart. My soul. Every day when I wake up with you beside me, then fall asleep with you in my arms, I know I’m the luckiest man alive.” He pressed a kiss to each of her cheeks, wet with tears, before kissing her on the mouth. “I can’t wait to have forever with you.”

Mia had never looked happier than she did right then as she smiled at Ford, even while her tears continued to fall.

“I always knew I wanted what my parents had.” Mia turned to smile at their mom and dad, who were holding tightly to each other, their hearts in their eyes as they watched their youngest say her vows. “A love so deep and true that nothing could ever come between them. I was so sure I knew what that love would look like when it came. I had it all planned out—the perfect guy who would say all the right things and sweep me away like a princess in a perfect fairy tale. But then, there you were. Not out of a fairy tale, but better. Because you are real. Raw. Honest. And with a heart so big that I’m constantly astounded by everything you are and everything you do. Especially the way you love me without holding anything back. I can’t wait to be your wife, Ford.”

When they turned back to Ian, he was clearly working to pull himself together so that they could finish the ceremony. “Mia, do you freely and without reservation give yourself to Ford in marriage?”


“I do.” Mia slid Ford’s wedding band on his left hand. “With this ring, I am yours and you are mine. Wear this ring forever as a sign of our love.”

“Ford, do you freely and without reservation give yourself to Mia in marriage?”

“I do.” Ford reached into his pocket for a simple platinum wedding band and put it on Mia’s ring finger. “I give you this ring to wear with love and joy. As this ring has no end, our love is also forever.”

“May the wedding rings you exchanged today remind you always that you are surrounded by enduring love. And now, by the power vested in me by the City of Seattle, it is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may seal this declaration with a kiss.”

And as the new husband and wife kissed to seal the deal, Mason let out a whoop that had all of them joining in.


A couple of hours later, they carried Mason and all his things up the stairs to her apartment. Earlier, she’d planned to say a simple thank you and good night to Dylan at the end of the evening. But after the evening they’d just shared, one full of love and family and promises of forever, nothing seemed clear cut to Grace anymore.

Nothing except the fact that she wasn’t ready for the night to be over.

“If you don’t mind waiting for me to tuck Mason in, I’d be happy to make us some coffee.”

“Sounds good.” He ran his hand lightly over her son’s head. “Good night, buddy.”

She took Mason into the bedroom the two of them shared, put him into a dry diaper, and zipped him into soft blue jammies. When she whispered, “Sweet dreams, baby,” he finally woke enough to turn his mouth to hers for a smooch. Her heart overflowed with love as she kissed him, then tucked him into his crib, his favorite stuffed giraffe in his hand, his blanket over the little butt he immediately stuck up into the air when he rolled onto his stomach.

Knowing she couldn’t go back out to Dylan feeling this soft, this vulnerable, she went into her en suite bathroom to brush her hair and splash some cold water on her face. Unfortunately, the woman who stared back at her didn’t look at all like a professional journalist. On the contrary, with eyes that bright and skin that flushed, she looked far more like a woman who was falling head over heels for the gorgeous man in her living room.

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