"Cordially," Ross answered evasively. He glanced at Charity. She was leaving the room, heading for the bed room. "But so far unfruitful."

Henry laughed. "What I've got to tell you will put that little venture into the shade," he said. "How would you like a trip to Australia?"

Ross's eyes gleamed. "What exactly do you mean?" he asked evenly, holding back his hope. "Not the WesCo deal?"

"You got it." Henry gave a whoop. "They want you in Sydney by the end of the week to finalize plans. Can you beat that?"

Ross was stunned. It had been a bold gamble to bid on the Australian deal. What WesCo had in mind would dwarf all the other rebuilding projects he'd been in charge of. It would also take years to complete. He hadn't thought he'd have a prayer of getting the contract. "They went for it." He sat down heavily in the handy chair. "Wow," he said.

"You've got to get out there and talk to them right away," Henry said. "They want to clear up the paper work and organize the financing. They want you to talk to the major backers and soothe a few local fears. There will be media interviews. They said your expertise there was one of the big pluses for our side, as they do anticipate some rather sticky problems P.R.-wise. So pack your bags, boy. Get moving."

Ross was a successful entrepreneur, used to winning out, but this was success on a global scale. The challenge was going to be as exciting as anything he'd ever dreamed of doing. Australia. He took a deep breath, savoring the vic tory.

"I've already checked flights out of LAX. They can book you on the ten-thirty tonight-"

Henry's words seemed to fade in his ear. Charity had come out of the bedroom. She'd changed into a bright blue jumpsuit that displayed her full figure beautifully. Com ing toward him with a smile, she filled his vision, filled his senses.

"No," he said softly into the phone. "I can't go."


The silence of disbelief filled the line.

"You're going to have to go, Henry," he said deci sively. Charity reached around him for a pad of paper, and he touched her flushed cheek.

"You're crazy."

"I can't help it." Charity winked and disappeared into the kitchen. He felt a sense of loss the moment she left the room. "I'm in the middle of something here that I...have to follow through on. You'll have to do it."

Henry's voice was harsh. "They're not going to like this. They may pull the bid."

Ross sighed. He knew he was being stupid. He never did foolish things. Human considerations never got in the way of his goals. He wasn't even sure why he was acting so foolishly now. He only knew he had to.

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