Excerpt from:


Destiny Bay~Baby Dreams~Book 2

by Helen Conrad

Chapter One - Just Being Neighborly

Scott Carrington wasn't expecting intruders-especially not ghostly figures in white nightclothes. So when his backyard was invaded, at first he didn't trust his own eyesight.


It was close to midnight. He'd come in late on an international flight with an interminable layover in Bombay. Layovers were always tedious, but this one had been especially bad. He hadn't been able to sleep, and for some reason, he'd spent hours staring at the ceiling, watching scenes from the most painful chapters of his life, as though it were a stupid and boring movie.

His mother's voice served as the film score. "Scott, I just don't understand you. What are you doing to yourself? Was your childhood really so awful? Why can't you find a nice girl and…..?"

He'd groaned and jammed a pillow over his ears as her voice echoed inside his head. His mother had passed away five years ago and he still felt her disappointment as though he'd just heard it yesterday. She hadn't lived long enough to see him become an airline pilot and begin to make a good living. To her, he would always be a bum. Funny how he couldn't get past that.

Sitting in the cockpit of the giant jet airliner, all he'd thought about for the last two thousand miles was how good it was going to feel to soak his aching body in his own backyard hot tub, washing away his exhaustion, washing away his mother's voice.

He made the short hop from Los Angeles up the coast to Destiny Bay and drove his Porsche from the airport to the home kept ever ready by his wonderful daily housekeeper, Rebecca.

Sighing happily, he took off his uniform, then went right out back, leaving the lights off, and slipping into the water. Lying against the side, he gazed up at the star-studded coastal sky.

He closed his eyes, feeling all the tension begin to ooze out into the hot water, and he sighed again. This was the life. His body was still vibrating from the long flight. He needed this, badly. Groggy from lack of sleep, he began to doze.

And then for some reason he opened his eyes and something white and fleeting caught his attention. He squinted, looking into the darkness at the end of his yard opposite from his pool. Something moved, then came into full focus for a moment. It seemed to be a girl with long blond hair, dressed in flowing, translucent white.

He blinked, and the vision was gone.

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