"Oh, just a little," she said. "I've batted a ball around now and then."

"I'm so glad." Was that smile really genuine? "Come along, Steve and Muffy are our club champions, you know. You'll so enjoy playing against them."

The funny thing was that she did enjoy it. She turned out to be even better than she thought she was. Even Kenny was impressed. Wiping his brow after one particularly good save on her part, he muttered, "Go for it, champ. Thank God for athletic women."

They were in the middle of the last set when she spotted Ross's dark hair across the lawn.

"Ross," she cried, clutching her racquet and letting a lob bounce right past her.

"Rats," Kenny growled at her. "Watch the ball."

She couldn't walk off and leave things. She had to con tinue play. Ross hadn't seen her yet, but she hardly took her eyes off him for the rest of the match. He made his way across the grass, stopping to talk to this knot of people, then that. He was finally home. Her love for him misted her eyes and she almost missed another shot.

Finally she was through. She barely shook hands with the ultimately victorious Steve and Muffy before she was racing across the way toward where Ross stood in deep conversation with a man she knew was the mayor of a neighboring town.

She hesitated, not sure if she should interrupt, but when he looked up, his face lit with joy at seeing her and he dropped everything, coming toward her for a huge bear hug in front of everyone.

It was all right. He was back. She could breathe again.


But before she'd had a chance to do more than giggle happily in his arms, Mrs. Carrington was there again, pull ing her away.

"Charity dear, there's someone you must meet. She's head of the Women's Auxiliary and my dearest friend."

Charity looked back at Ross as his mother dragged her away. He was looking after her, his brows pulled together in annoyance.

The next hour was spent much the same way. Every time she came anywhere near Ross, Kenny or Mrs. Carrington had suddenly found something important for her to do instead. And every time she had a free moment, Ross would be entrenched. Their eyes would meet across the crowd. Their spirits would yearn and touch. But it wasn't enough for either one of them-not by a long shot.

Oh Ross, she was saying silently inside. I need you so much.

She went reluctantly with Kenny to the serving table to get some food. "Do you think I could eat with Ross?" she asked plaintively, no longer caring if everyone knew she was beginning to tire of the separation.

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