Aggie tumbled off the couch, still laughing. She lay on the floor on her back, holding her midsection with both hands as she tried to catch her breath. “Stop. Stop, I’m gonna throw up.”

“Now look what you did to Aggie, Eric,” Brian said with a grin. “She’s damaged goods.”

“She looks healthy to me,” Trey murmured, looking down at her from his perch on the arm of the sofa. “Mmmmm, incredibly healthy. Of course, I could be mistaken. We could go play doctor for a couple hours. I’ll examine you thoroughly to make sure.”

“Help me up.” She extended her hand in the air, and Jace knocked Trey’s hand out of the way to help her to her feet. She forced herself not to hug him when she noticed the twinges of jealousy sparking in his deep brown eyes just before he lowered his gaze to the floor. She knew he didn’t like public displays of affection, but it was so hard to keep her hands to herself. The guys always seemed to be around. “Do you need your bandages changed?” she asked hopefully. If she got him alone in the bedroom, she could smother him with affection without repercussions.

“Not right now.”

“And…” Dave called from the driver’s seat. “They want to search us. Everyone get your passports and step off the bus.”

“Shit,” Sed grumbled and slapped Eric on the back of the head.

“You don’t really think they want to search the bus because I was making fun of their national anthem, do you?”

“No, I just like to hit you. They want to search the bus because they assume if we’re rock musicians, we must be on illegal drugs.”

“I f**kin’ love Canada,” Eric said. “I can’t wait until they reinstate the draft so I have a legitimate reason to move here.”

“Border patrol,” a uniformed officer announced as he stepped on the bus. “Anything to declare?”


“I declare that this sucks,” Trey said, shuffling past him.

“Hey,” Eric said to the officer and pointed at Trey. “I saw that guy shove something up his ass.”

Sed slapped Eric again. “He’s joking, sir. Just joking.”

“I did see him shove something up his ass. Another guy’s cock.” He snorted with laughter.

Sed pushed Eric toward the exit. “Just ignore him, officer. He has no concept of when a joke is inappropriate.”

“That was funny though, right?”

“Oh yes, hilarious, Eric. We won’t tell the nice officer about what you shoved up your ass.”

“I didn’t—”

Sed covered his mouth. “Just ignore him. He gets jittery when he comes down off the crack. That was another joke, by the way. This bus is clean. I guarantee it.”

A second officer entered the bus with a German shepherd, which was fighting its leash and barking excitedly. The man waited with the dog in the driver’s area while everyone exited.

“Are you sure it’s clean?” Aggie whispered to Sed.

“Unless you brought something with you.”

Aggie shook her head. “No, I gave up drugs after high school. Almost OD’d a couple times.”

“Well, there you go. You have something in common with Jon.”

Aggie’s lip curled with displeasure. Now there was something to be proud of. She glanced at Jon, who was staring venom at Jace as usual. Aggie huddled against Jace to block the cool breeze. She wasn’t expecting it to be this chilly in September and hadn’t put on a jacket. After around fifteen minutes, the border patrol came off the bus.

“Can we take a look underneath?”

“Do you have a legal right to?” Sed asked.


“Then why bother asking?”

Dave opened the doors to the storage compartments under the bus. The dog sniffed around and pawed someone’s jacket. The officer set it on the ground. After a second sniff, the dog lost interest.

For no apparent reason, Jon careened into Jace, knocking him into Aggie. At Jace’s gasp of pain, Aggie turned to scowl at Jon. “What did you do that for?”

She saw him shove something into Jace’s pants pocket and then his empty hand retreated.

“You two just looked like you needed to cuddle a little closer,” Jon said with a chuckle. “There was at least a quarter of an inch between you.”

Aggie stuck her hand in Jace’s pocket. Felt the small bag full of dried leaves inside. Knew what the bastard had done. Before she could return Jon’s bag of pot to him, the dog caught scent of it and charged toward them.

“Where is it, boy?” the officer asked.

Huge paws landed in the center of Jace’s chest. Jace winced and turned an alarming shade of puce.

“Wait!” Aggie grabbed Jace’s good arm, but the second officer wrenched him from her grasp and slammed him onto the asphalt. Having his arm trapped in a sling, he had no way to catch his fall.

“Easy. He’s severely injured,” Sed said, grabbing the officer by the shoulder.

The dog located the bag in Jace’s pocket. “Good boy,” the man said to his dog. “What do we have here?”

“It’s not mine,” Jace said, gasping through his pain.

“Sure, it’s not.”

“He’s telling the truth. Someone planted it on him.” Aggie glanced at Jon, who was doing a poor job at feigning innocence by inspecting the clouds.

The patrol man lifted the bag from Jace’s pocket and examined it. Got a strange look on his face.

Jon busted out laughing.

“What the f**k are you laughing at?” Sed grumbled in his deep baritone.

The officer opened the bag, crunching the green leaves with his fingertips, and gave it a hesitant sniff. Dipped a wet finger inside and touched a leaf to his tongue. “This isn’t cannabis.”

Jon laughed harder. “It’s just oregano. Best practical joke ever, huh, guys?”

No one was laughing.

“Then what tipped the dog off?” the officer asked. “He wouldn’t go after oregano.” He shook the bag at the dog, which pawed its nose and whined.

Jon shrugged. He leaned over Jace. “You okay down there, buddy?”

Aggie helped Jace to his feet. He staggered as he regained his balance. Blood had seeped through the bandage on his shoulder and through his white T-shirt in several spots. He lunged at Jon, murder in his eyes. Aggie wrapped herself around him and widened her stance to hold him back. “Not here, sugar,” she whispered, nodding toward the officers. “Get him back later.”