“Did I fix my makeup?” I asked him, already forgiving him for any fun he had at my expense.

“I don’t know what you mean by that.” He smiled, confused, a typical guy response.

“My mascara, is it like running down my face?” I brushed my fingertips underneath my eyes as if demonstrating my question.

“No, your face looks…. fine,” Jericho blushed when he finished his sentence and so I was not entirely sure if I could trust him.

I remembered the compact in my brand new back pack and tried to grab it as inconspicuously as possible. Feeling a little bit vain, and even more self-conscious in front of Jericho, I rushed the mirror in front of my face, checked my make up as scrupulously but as quickly as I could. Then I shoved the little compact mirror back into the abyss of the bag that had replaced the backpack Romania destroyed, satisfied with what I had seen.

“What? Don’t you trust me?” Jericho nudged my side gently with his elbow.

“Absolutely not,” I said playfully, and then gave him my most charming smile. “Hey, do you know where they are keeping Lilly?” I asked, anxiety slipping into my tone but unable to stay silent on the issue.

“Yes,” Jericho responded simply.

“Well, can you take me to her?” I countered, feeling as though my request shouldn’t be necessary.

“I don’t think so,” When I turned a scowl on him, he continued quickly, “I don’t think they want non-Resistance members up there. I mean, it’s like a sacred place. Since you’re not an official member, they have kind of forbidden you from going.”

“What?” Forbidden?” I half demanded, half shrieked. “Why hasn't anybody told me?” I crossed my arms and stomped my foot defiantly.


“Do you remember the last time you were forbidden to do anything? Yeah, it didn’t work out so well for the rest of us,” although Jericho was teasing me, he stopped walking and turned to face me. When I followed suit, he put both of his hands on my shoulders, sending his magical imprint racing through my blood. I could tell that he was nervous touching me, but what I didn’t expect was to be nervous too. “Eden, trust me,” he said smoothly, gazing deep into my eyes. “Lilly is going to be fine; this whole thing is a process. But seriously, look at the rest of us. We all made it through. She has the best care anyone could hope for,” he smiled softly and I cleared my throat, bringing my mind into focus.

“You’re right. I mean, I should trust you guys. How much longer do you think this will take though? People at school have been asking questions,” I casually shrugged Jericho’s hands off my shoulders and began walking again; reminding myself of Kiran and the overwhelmingly strong feelings I had for him.

“What people?” Jericho asked suspiciously.

“Well, Sebastian Cartier,” I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing I left Jericho somewhere a few feet behind me. I turned to face him, and saw the wheels in his head spinning.

“Sebastian Cartier is here? In Omaha? At Kingsley?” he whispered harshly.

I nodded my response, a little afraid of what I had let slip. He turned back around in the other direction, leaving me to run after him.

“Avalon!” he hollered at my very loquacious brother, who somehow had managed to maintain the newcomers’ attention this entire time. “Avalon!” he hollered again.

“What?” an irritated Avalon swung around to face Jericho straight on.

“Sebastian Cartier is here? In Omaha? Why haven’t we been informed?” Jericho demanded.

Damn it Eden, you just had to go and open your big mouth. Avalon sent me a direct and irritated message. I blushed, but turned right around again towards the opposite side of the barn. I had apparently done enough damage; I didn’t need to get into the middle of a fight between those two.

I noticed Angelica towards the back of the barn, talking to some girls who looked only a little bit older than me. I considered joining them, but couldn't find the courage. Avalon was usually my social crutch around here, and unfortunately he was currently in the middle of a battle between need-to-know basis and left-in-the-dark. I rolled my eyes; inwardly laughing at the precarious relationship Avalon and Jericho seemed to hold- sometimes best friends, sometimes leadership rivals.

“Eden, won’t you join us?” Angelica noticed me wandering around aimlessly. I had hoped to avoid what would assuredly be a socially-awkward situation for me. But apparently I was just not that lucky today.

“Hello, Angelica,” I greeted her sweetly, remembering tenderly that she was close to my mother at one point. I had yet to garner any details from her, but I didn’t tend to give up easily.

“Hello, dear.” She returned my smile and brought me into a warm hug. Her lighter, almost effervescent magic wrapped me in a warm bubble and I felt oddly comforted. “The other teams have arrived. Have you met them?”

“Um, no, I haven’t. I mean, Avalon was introducing himself to them, so I just thought I would connect with him later,” I blurted out, feeling like I needed to explain what I meant by our twin connection, but I decided not to get into detail. I mentally reminded myself that I was not actually part of the Resistance and therefore not actually obligated to meet anyone.

“Eden, don’t rob yourself of the opportunity of getting to know others like you. Remember you are who you surround yourself with,” She smiled knowingly, and I shrugged off the feeling of irritation from the clear dig at Kiran. “Anyway, these girls are too sweet to let Avalon do the meeting and greeting for you. Besides I think they already know Avalon,” When she looked at them, they nodded in confirmation. “Eden, this is Fiona Thompson and Roxie Powers. They are part of the Czech team, Ryder’s team,” she patted Roxie, a short, hard-looking Latina, on the arm before leaving us alone. Roxie returned the gesture with a smile and I got the feeling it was almost painful for her to look so nice.

Roxie had long dark hair like mine, but it was in a low pony tail on the back of her neck, falling in smooth, loose curls down to her waist. Her small frame barely cleared five feet, but her stature exuded a strength that intimidated me. Her chocolate brown eyes searched my face as if looking for a reason to punch me in the nose. I flinched self-consciously before turning my attention to Fiona.

Fiona was much nicer looking, in personality I mean. They were both beautiful girls. Fiona had perfect porcelain skin that looked like milk next to her shoulder length auburn hair. Her overly large green eyes, maintained a look of both innocence and shrewdness. She stood tall as if in a position of leadership and her slender fingers were folded together in a proper sort of way.

“I’m Eden,” I said obviously after Angelica had walked away…. after Angelica had left me…. after Angelica had abandoned me.

“We know,” Roxie sneered and my suspicions about her were confirmed.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Fiona covered for her friend. She did not attempt to shake my hand, however, and for some reason that bothered me.

“Y-y-you’re Fiona?” I addressed the more polite of the two, asking another obvious question.

“Yes, that’s right and this is Roxie. We worked with Avalon’s team to extract the Brazil team after Avalon and Jericho were um, called away,” I noticed the look in their eyes as accusation, and blushed defensively.

“So, um, your whole team is here?” I looked around, hoping to be able to place the rest of their team, but my nerves were fried and it felt as though my magic was on the fritz.

“Yep,” Roxie mumbled through a fake smile.

“Where are you guys staying?” I returned her smile with a fake one of my own.

“Here. We’re all staying here,” Roxie responded again, with an edge to her already tough demeanor.

“Like your team, or like all of the teams?” I asked, once again looking around the barn at all the new additions.

“Like everyone that’s in the Resistance,” Roxie answered my question harshly, obviously not concerned with being rude.

“Rox,” Fiona chastised gently. “I’m sure she has her reasons.” She gave Roxie a meaningful glance and her large green eyes pleaded with Roxie to be polite.

“I’m sure she does Fi. I just hope her reasons aren’t costing an entire race of people their future.” It was Roxie’s turn to give me a meaningful glare, one that pretty much had me shaking in my shoes. “Come on. Let’s go find your husband.”

Fiona didn’t even pretend to be polite anymore but brushed past me after her friend. I watched as they walked towards Avalon and Jericho and other boys I didn’t recognize. I realized then that the rest of Avalon’s team was missing.

Fiona and Roxie were greeted with enthusiasm and I even noticed Avalon give Roxie a hug. She looked tiny in his arms, hardly dangerous at all.

Looks could be deceiving.

Fiona slipped her slender, ivory arm through another boy's and they took a moment to gaze into each other’s eyes. A thousand words passed silently between them and I recognized their unspoken language as unfailing love. A ball dropped in my stomach and I suddenly had a tremendous need to find Kiran.

I noticed Amory pull onto the gravel drive of the farmhouse and park his black Mercedes sedan next to Avalon’s. I practically ran towards him, hoping he would understand my need to flee. I couldn’t stand around this room while people continued to judge me. I needed to remind myself that there was a very strong, very tangible, very beautiful reason I chose not to join the Resistance and the small politics of simple peer pressure were not enough to force my hand.

“Hey, Eden, come meet Ryder,” Avalon called out, already aware of my plans and hoping to dissuade me.

“Maybe later,” I called over my shoulder and picked up my pace to meet Amory at his driver’s side door.

I enveloped Amory in my magical shield, keeping us dry and warm. He gave me a look of confusion that didn’t seem to fit his polished and well-dressed demeanor. He was not the type of man to feel confused.

“Amory, I know this is a big request, but could I borrow your car right now…. Please?” I was near tears and not entirely sure why, but if I could only get back into the city I was sure everything would be fine.

“Why Eden? Is everything Ok?” When I shook my head in a frantic “yes,” his eyes deepened with concern. “Are you sure? I was hoping you could get to know everyone tonight. Immortals have come from all over the world to protect you, my dear. I doubt they would find it very polite if you simply took off before being introduced.” He smiled, trying to reassure me; but it sounded more like guilting me into staying than anything else.

“It’s ok, I’ll just take Avalon’s,” I pushed past him and threw Avalon’s truck door open with my magic. “Can you bring him home tonight? Thanks,” I spat out before Amory could say anything else.

I threw myself up and into the driver’s seat, starting the engine with a simple thought. I could hear Avalon screaming at me inside of my head, but did my best to repress him.

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