When I got back home and pulled into the driveway, I parked my truck behind Aubrey’s car, ready for a quick escape if I needed it. As I walked into the house, I could hear my sister in the kitchen with Mom. It smelled like dinner was almost ready, but I needed to squeeze a shower in before joining everyone, so I headed straight upstairs before saying hello. I’d never make it out of the kitchen in time with both of them in there.

I tossed my bag into the laundry room, figuring that my mom would clean up my gi if I left it there for her. Strolling into my bathroom, I blasted the water as hot as I could make it before stripping out of my clothes and jumping into the steam. Leaning my head under the water, I just stood there for a moment, enjoying the heat that wrapped around me.

Images of Lex over the last couple of years played through my mind, and I couldn’t help but wonder if my dad was right. Had I been able to wait so patiently because I’d been wrong about what I’d been feeling? It wasn’t like when I had been banging those other chicks that I’d been thinking about her either. Could I have been totally wrong all this time? Was that why it had been so easy for me to help Drake realize how badly he’d fucked up when they got into their fight? I hadn’t even thought twice about setting him straight about her. If I’d really wanted her for myself, wouldn’t it have at least crossed my mind to not say a word and watch their relationship implode?

I shook my head, trying to get the images and questions out of my head. The last thing I needed before heading back down for dinner was to seem like I was worried about something. My mom would see it and act like a shark smelling blood in the water. It was time to paste on a happy face and fake it so she wouldn’t know how much this was on my mind. That little talk with my dad had already been bad enough. I definitely wanted to avoid having a similar one with my mom.

Everyone was getting ready to sit down to dinner by the time I made it back downstairs. It was only the four of us since both of my older brothers were celebrating the holidays with their wives’ families. All of my favorites were on the table, a sure sign that my mom already knew something was up. She’d always used food for comfort. It was a goddamn miracle that neither Aubrey nor I had been fat growing up. I guess it was a lucky thing that our dad had kept us busy enough to work off all the calories our mom had given us.

I pulled out my mom’s chair, helping her get settled. “Hey, Mom,” I said as I leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“Hi, baby boy,” she smiled up at me. “So happy to have you home for break.”

Yes, my mom was big on nicknames and still liked to call me her baby. It didn’t matter how often I tried to remind her that I was bigger than her. She’d just remind me that she’d carried me for nine months and would always remember me as small as I was when I was born with a sappy-as-shit look on her face. So I didn’t bother saying anything anymore and let it pass, shaking my head as I walked over to my chair.

Aubrey was practically bouncing in her seat with excitement. “Only four more days until Christmas! I can’t wait to make cookies and go shopping and see what amazing presents you got me this year!”

My dad chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Presents? I don’t remember buying any gifts for you this year. Are you sure you weren’t on the naughty list this year?” he teased.

“Oh, please, Daddy. Like Mom would let you do the shopping. You just haven’t seen the credit card bills yet, but I am sure she picked me out something fabulous like she always does. But don’t worry. You’ll still get lots of hugs and kisses from me as a thank-you.”


And that was my sister, buttering up our dad and laying the groundwork for extra gifts. How could he not run out and pick up something for her himself after that comment? She had him wrapped around her little finger and knew how to work him almost as well as our mom did.

I listened to their conversation flow around me, tossing in a comment here and there while watching the clock, ready for dinner to be over. I felt my mom and dad’s concerned glances several times through the night. Aubrey chattered on, drawing their attention away each time. I knew my sister was a talker, but this was a bit much even for her. Which confirmed the fact that they all knew about my feelings for Lex and were worried. So much for a quiet break where I could get my head screwed back on right without anyone asking questions. Fuck!



I loved bartending at the campus bar, The Rooster’s Nest. Of course, nobody called it by the real name. Instead, everyone usually just called it The Roost. Or if they were feeling particularly pervy, they called it The Cock. The bar was known for its cold beers, its hot cheese fries, and college bands. It’s a bit of a dive, but not in a sleazy way. Although the tight t-shirts we wore with crazy phrases like “I Serve Tail at The Cock” and a picture of a martini glass on it sure did seem push things toward the sleazy slide.

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