“Hurry up and take the shots,” I pleaded with them. “Before my roommate says something inappropriate. Oh, wait! Sorry. She already did.”

Char punched me lightly in the shoulder before walking away to start breaking down for the night. We’d already announced last call, and she wanted to get a jump on cleaning tonight so she wouldn’t feel guilty leaving it all for me while she raced home to have some sexy Skype time with Shane tonight. With Jackson here, she could even take my car instead of riding back with the girls.

“Hey, Jackson?” I asked to get his attention. “Do you think you could wait around and give me a ride back to campus?”

“Oh, he’ll give you a ride alright,” Aubrey slurred. It looked like that last shot had been enough to push her well past her limit.

I laughed at her joke, thinking that it would be great if she were right even though I was still a little sore from the last ride he gave me before pouring her a glass of ice water and pushing it across the bar to her.

“I think you’re going to need this.”

Jackson picked up the water and handed it to his sister with a stern look before glancing at Drake, who nodded his head. “Of course I can. Drake can go back with the girls and make sure Lex doesn’t have a problem getting my sister into bed safely. What about your car?”

“That’s where I come in,” Char announced, walking back up to us. “Kaylie’s trying to make sure I get plenty of time on Skype with Shane before she makes it back to the dorm. So please, take as long as you’d like to bring her back. Maybe even all night again.”

“Char!” I gasped as I felt a blush creep up my neck and face since she’d basically just announced to the group that Jackson and I had had sex last night.

“Crap! Sorry, Kaylie,” she apologized.

“Oh, please. Like everyone doesn’t know you guys are having sex with the way my brother looks at Kaylie,” Aubrey said.


“Okay, that’s enough out of everyone,” Jackson warned as he leveled the group with a glare. “End of subject.”

“How about I get you two back to your dorm, baby?” Drake asked as he looked down at Lex, who was standing in the crook of his arm, beaming up at him.

“Thanks. I can definitely use the help,” she replied before turning to look at me. “I’m really glad you asked Aubrey to come out. This was a ton of fun. It was nice getting to know you a little bit. I can see why Jackson’s finally dating since he met you.”

She really was very sweet, which kind of made me feel like a bitch for wanting to punch her in the face when I first saw her with Aubrey tonight. Luckily, I had been super nice to cover for being uncomfortable around her at the start of the night so she’d had no clue what was going on in my head at the time. Only Char had noticed because she knows me too well.

“Yeah, I’m glad you both could make it. We’ll definitely have to do it again sometime. Maybe even on a night when Char and I aren’t working so we can all go out and have some fun.”

“Definitely,” Aubrey giggled as Drake and Lex bundled her up and out the door.

“Do you mind waiting while I finish breaking down the bar and cleaning up?” I asked Jackson.

“Not at all, sweetheart. I never mind waiting for you.”

He could be so damn sweet sometimes. “It should only be another thirty minutes or so. I’ll give Char my keys so she can head out and meet you out front when I’m done?”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll pull the truck up and wait until you’re done.”

I watched his ass when he walked away and couldn’t help but wonder if I had left any marks when I dug my nails in it last night. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as the rest of the customers left the bar and the waiter started to wipe down the tables so he could bail as soon as possible. I needed to get my butt in gear so I could spend some time with Jackson before he dropped me off. I still wanted to know what the deal was with the concerned expression he’d had when he came in tonight.


I found Jackson in his truck parked out front just like he’d said I would. I climbed inside the passenger’s side door and leaned over to give him a quick kiss hello since I hadn’t been able to do it earlier when I was working.

“I missed you today,” I admitted as he pulled me across the cab and into his lap when I tried to pull away after my kiss.

“Fuck, I missed the shit out of you too, Kaylie. I couldn’t get you out of my head all day,” he replied before crashing his lips against mine. His kiss was quick, but he kept me wrapped in his arms when he was done so that he could peer into my eyes.

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