Shit. Fuck. Damn. Not being able to hang out with your girl the day after you had sex for the first time wasn’t good. Finding out that your sister and the girl you thought you had been in love with for two years were spending time with her instead? Well that was just bound to be a major clusterfuck of epic proportions.



“I’m so glad you told Aubrey to stop by so we could hang out while we’re working,” Char told me. “You were totally right when you said that she and I would get along really well. She’s so fucking hilarious.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t know that she was going to bring Lex with her,” I said, glancing down the bar at both of them. I didn’t know Lex that well. She seemed nice enough, and I was trying not to act all weird. It was kind of awkward to be hanging out with her knowing that Jackson once had feelings for her. We hadn’t really talked about it, and we hadn’t even really defined our relationship. But after last night, I guess I was feeling a little sensitive about where things stood. This was horrible timing.

Char came closer so that she could whisper without anyone overhearing our conversation. “You know that Jackson is totally into you, right?”

“Yes,” I replied before shooting a look Lex’s way again.

“No, Kaylie. Like head-over-heels into you. I might not know the whole story, but I can see the wheels turning in your head tonight. Don’t second-guess yourself or your relationship with Jackson. If you have questions about Lex, ask him.”

“I know I am probably just being silly, but every once in a while I have that little voice in the back of my head that wonders if the only reason he’s with me is because he can’t be with her instead. But what if I don’t like the answer?” I worried aloud.

“Then it’s better that you know where you stand now before you get in any deeper. I’ve heard the same rumors as you about her being the reason he never dated and just did the whole one-night stand thing. But they are just rumors. And even if they are true, he sure didn’t hesitate to throw that rule out the window for you. That’s gotta mean something, Kaylie.”

Char was right—as usual. I’d never actually heard Jackson say that he loved Lex. He hadn’t really talked about her that much except when he was telling childhood stories or talking about stuff she did with his sister. And when he had mentioned her, he hadn’t seemed any different than when we talked about anything else. Surely if there were something for me to worry about, then I’d have noticed it before now.


You could tell that Lex and Aubrey had known each other forever. It was hard to feel threatened by her when she had no problem making it completely obvious that she was totally in love with her boyfriend with the way she talked about him and kept sending him messages throughout the night. And when Aubrey introduced us, she’d seemed thrilled to meet me because she’d heard lots of great things about me and excited that Jackson was dating someone. It was pretty damn clear she had no interest in him as boyfriend material and acted like she was just his other sister. But that still didn’t stop the questions from popping into my head as the evening wore on.

I walked over to where Aubrey and Lex were sitting at the other end of the bar. “You girls ready for another round?

“Hmmm,” Aubrey said as she thought about. “Sure! Bartender’s choice, but make it a crazy one this time around.”

Lex giggled in response to Aubrey’s request. “Yeah, pick something dirty. Gimme something good to text Drake and drive him a little more crazy.”

“Dirty I can do,” I assured them as I mixed their next round. I poured in a shot each of spiced rum and coconut rum with peach schnapps and pineapple juice. “Okay, spread ‘em,” I said, sliding their drinks in front of them.

“Spread what?” Aubrey asked.

“Your legs. That’s what this drink is supposed to get you to do. It’s called A Leg Spreader,” I explained.

“Oh, I’m sure I will be spreading my legs tonight,” Lex joked as she tossed the drink back. “No help needed from a drink for that to happen.”

“Damn, I haven’t spread my legs in so long that I don’t know if I even remember how,” Aubrey complained before drinking hers.

I blushed, thinking that I could have said the same thing before my time with her brother last night. But there was no way in hell I was going to say that. Way too awkward.

“Bit of a dry spell?” Char asked as she came up behind me.

“She gets tons of offers,” Lex threw in.

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