I wasn’t sure what to think about this Kaylie chick. I’d thought she was hot when I’d thrown Sasha’s door open and found her standing on the other side, glaring at me in her pajamas. The fact that I’d even noticed her in the middle of that clusterfuck was kind of a surprise. Then, when I realized it was her legs I was staring at from underneath my t-shirt this morning, I swear I was tempted to toss her on the bed and bury my cock deep inside her. No way in hell was I actually going to do it, but I was pissed at the thought that I might have gotten wasted enough to bring her to my parents’ house and then not been able to remember anything about the whole night.

When my mom explained what had really happened, I wasn’t sure if I should be relieved that I hadn’t gotten in her panties the night before or frustrated because that meant I might have blown my chance to get in them after how I’d acted this morning. Which didn’t make sense because I usually couldn’t care less who ended up in my bed as long as they followed the rules while they were there. I liked being in charge, in control. Only she’d seen me at some of my worst moments lately, and now the tables were turned. She had the power because she’d done me a favor when I needed it.

I glanced over to see Kaylie looking out the window. She seemed pretty immune to my charm. That alone was enough to make me interested in her, since all the other girls on campus seemed so easy to get into bed. Or maybe she had decided that I was a total douche since she’d seen me yelling at Sasha and then I’d treated her like shit this morning. My mom was right, dammit. I did owe her an apology and a thank-you. And one of the things I really hated was owing anyone anything.

“So what exactly happened last night?” I asked to get her attention.

“Nothing bad. Char thought she’d over-served you, but I realized you were sick. I sent Aubrey a text and she thought it would be best if I drove you back to your parents’ place. It was late, I was really tired, and your mom suggested that I spend the night. You were awake and alert for everything after that,” she listed out for me.

“And you drove my truck?”

That question caught her attention, and she turned in her seat to face me. “Yup. I think that was the best part. You didn’t seem too happy to give up the car keys at first, but you were feeling so bad that you just climbed in and fell asleep while I was driving, baby boy.”

“That’s pretty bold, using my mom’s nickname for me. You sure you want to go there?” I asked.

She laughed at my warning. “I don’t know, Jackson. Are you going to call me little girl anymore? Because even when you were sick you still managed to call me that. Turnabout is fair play and all that.”

“See, now that’s where you’re wrong. I’m not really into being fair. I like the odds stacked in my favor.”

“I guess it’s just too damn bad for you that they aren’t then,” she teased.


“That’s the nice thing about odds, Kaylie. They can change at any time.”

“It doesn’t mean they will shift into your favor though,” she pointed out.

“Is that a challenge?” I asked, sorely tempted to prove to her that I could come out on top with this thing that was simmering between us. Because I certainly wouldn’t mind getting literally on top of her. She was a tempting sight riding next to me, even in her Roost t-shirt and jeans with no makeup on. There was just something about her that pulled me in.

“Nope,” she answered.

“That’s it? You don’t have anything else to add?” Usually girls prattled on endlessly, trying to get my attention.

“Yeah,” she said before pointing to the left. “You’re gonna want to turn here for my dorm. Just in case you forgot.”

Damn, she cracked me the fuck up. She really didn’t seem to care what she said, how she looked, or if I was flirting with her.

“No backseat driving allowed in my truck, Kaylie.”

“I’m not even in the back seat. Besides, that was navigating,” she said with a big grin on her pretty face.

“Smartass. I know where your dorm is.”

“Better a smartass than a dumbass,” she giggled.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her comment. “I don’t think I’ve heard it put that way before, but I guess it’s true,” I said as I pulled into the parking lot.

“That’s what my dad used to always say to my mom when she got sassy with him,” she whispered. She’d turned back to look out the window again, her arms wrapped around her body.

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