A short while later she was finished with her bath and her long auburn hair was dried and put up in a neat chignon, giving her a sincere but sexy look. She applied the minimum of make-up; a hint of eye-shadow and a sweep of mascara accentuated her almond shaped green eyes. A faint dab of blusher to highlight her cheekbones and she was ready to put her clothes on.

She walked back into her bedroom and started to get dressed. A lacy white bra and matching thong with thigh-high hold-ups went on first, followed by a crisp white blouse that was just a teeny bit see-through. A black skirt that ended just above her knees and a matching black jacket were finished off with a pair of patent black leather stilettos. She walked over to the full length mirror, gave her clothes a tweak here and there and then nodded in satisfaction. She looked professional, but sexy; exactly what she wanted.

She grabbed herself a quick cup of coffee after checking the time. She wanted to be there early, but not so early that she’d stand out like a sore thumb while she waited. Grabbing her keys, she locked her front door and made her way to her car.

Her nerves started to get to her a little on the short trip into town, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle and she was of the opinion that it was a case of nothing ventured, nothing gained. She parked her car in the underground parking lot beneath the Tyler Morgan office block and rode the elevator up to the lobby, smoothing down her skirt and taking a deep, calming breath as the door opened.

Isobel walked into the lobby towards the reception desk and looked around her in awe. Black marble tiles were beneath her feet and leather chairs and couches lined the wall-papered walls. The whole place had an air of opulence to it that took her breath away. She pinned a smile to her face that she hoped hid her nerves and asked the receptionist if Mr. James was in his office yet, to be told that he was yet to arrive.

She walked across to the seating area and sank down into one of the chairs that faced the main door and elevator. She wanted to make sure that she could see him when he walked in otherwise her plan would be shot before she’d even had a chance to put it in motion.

She didn’t have too long to wait, as just a few minutes later the man in question walked out of the elevator, striding towards the reception desk with purpose. Isobel got to her feet and walked towards him, waiting until he’d finished talking to the woman behind the desk before she said anything.

“Good morning, Mr. James.” She made sure that her voice was neutral. Tyler James turned to look at her, frowning briefly as he tried to place who she was and obviously coming up blank. “Isobel Cairns? We met last night and you told me to meet you here this morning to start work?” She made her voice sound as though she was questioning his memory, and he immediately looked abashed and put out his own hand to take hers in a handshake.

“Isobel. Of course. Please forgive me. My mind was elsewhere.” He had been shaking her hand slowly the entire time he was speaking, and Isobel firmly pulled her hand back and out of his grasp, smiling to herself at his obvious discomfort.

“Excuse me just one minute, Isobel.” He turned back to the receptionist. “Has Jenny put in an appearance yet?” The receptionist shook her head indicating that the woman in question had not arrived. “Good. Call her please and tell her that her services are not required today.”

Isobel felt a pang of guilt at the possibility that Jenny might be the person she would be replacing, but she quickly quelled it. From what Tyler had told her last night, the woman didn’t do her job properly anyway, so it would be no great loss.


“Come with me Ms. Cairns.” He turned and walked back towards the elevator, and for one horrible minute Isobel thought that he was going to escort her from the building. Her fears were unfounded, however, as he pressed the button that would take them up to the top floor.

As the elevator made its ascent, Isobel cast a furtive glance in the direction of the man stood next to her. She couldn’t believe that he looked so fresh and alert after the copious amount of alcohol he’d consumed the night before. Hell, he looked better than simply alert; he looked positively gorgeous, she thought as her pulse gave another little jerk of awareness.

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