“Hmmm. But unlike everyone else, you don’t give in quite so easily, do you, Isobel?” He smiled lazily at her, and she grinned back.

“Nope. Although I did let you get away with a lot more than I would usually let a man get away with.”

Tyler chuckled again. “Now I know that you’re not complaining, because I distinctly recall you begging me for more on more than one occasion.”

Feigning indignation, Isobel playfully punched him on his arm. “A gentleman would have never dared to say something like that to a lady.”

“I’ve never pretended to be a gentleman, and I dare to do and say a whole lot more than that, as you well know.” His eyes had darkened again and Isobel felt a movement against her leg and looked down. She watched in amazement as his cock started to stir back to life, going from flaccid to semi-hard before her eyes.

“Seriously, Tyler?” She knew her tone was incredulous. “You’re ready to go again already?”

“Sweetheart, I’m always ready to go whenever I’m around you.” She felt herself blush at his offhanded compliment. “But, I really should get back to my office and see what Jessica wanted to see me about.” He got to his feet as he talked and reached a hand down to help Isobel stand.

They got dressed in silence, each lost in their own thoughts as the mood was well and truly broken. Before they left the small room, Tyler pulled Isobel around and gave her a kiss that was so gentle that it left her quite emotional.

“You go on ahead, Tyler.” Isobel knew her voice was a little wobbly as she fought back tears again, but she hoped that he would just think it was due to the aftermath of the passionate sex session they’d just had. “It will look a little too obvious if we walk back together.”

Tyler looked at her closely, no doubt sensing that something was wrong but not being able to put his hand on exactly what. “I really don’t give a damn what people think, Isobel. You should know that by now.”

“Oh, I do know it. But you’re the man who bought out a complete restaurant so that people wouldn’t see us, and your wife is sat in your office just down the hallway, probably wondering where we are and what we’ve been doing for so long.” Always the voice of reason, Isobel didn’t enjoy reminding him about his spouse. But she really needed a few minutes alone to compose herself before seeing anyone else.


Tyler did as she asked and left before her, leaving her alone to pull herself together. She had only been working for Tyler for a few days, but then she’d only actually known him for a few days. But it felt as though she’d always known him even while it felt like she didn’t know him at all. And the very real probability was that she would never get the chance to get to know him now. Not after today.


Chapter Ten


Isobel took her time composing herself and wished that there was a mirror in the closet so that she could check her make-up and hair. It was going to be blatantly obvious what she had been doing to any of the other women who worked here, and while she really didn’t give a shit for her own sake, she didn’t want Tyler to have to deal with any kind of bitchy backlash.

She finger-combed her hair and took a deep calming breath before squaring her shoulders and walking out of the closet, pointedly ignoring the looks she received from the other secretaries and office staff as she returned to her desk and sat down.

She turned on her computer and decided to work through the days tasks to pass the time. She needed to talk to Tyler once his wife had left, and she’d rather occupy her time by doing what she was actually paid to do rather than just sit there twiddling her thumbs.

Numerous phone calls, a multitude of letters typed up and memos sent out to the relevant people, and Isobel had finished everything on the list. But Tyler was still firmly ensconced in his office, and his wife hadn’t left yet.

She was just about to give up, write him a note and go home, when she heard his office door open and the shrill shrewish tone of Tyler’s wife. “I really do not care, Tyler. I’ve made my decision and I won’t hear anything else said about the matter.”

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