“Sometimes we do the wrong thing for the right reason. You’re only human, Tyler, but maybe it’s time to reevaluate your business and corporate needs.” She knew she sounded like a lecturing schoolteacher, but it was something that she truly believed, and not to say it would have gone against the grain, and it would most definitely have been out of character for her.

He looked at Isobel and smiled. “You do realize that if we don’t eat this food now it’s not going to taste as delicious as it really is.” He picked up his knife and fork and promptly started to tuck in, and Isobel followed his example, but as delicious as the food was supposed to be, it tasted like cardboard.

Tyler had made it crystal clear that the conversation was over, but she had so many questions left unasked. Oh well, it looked like they were going to have to wait until another time. They finished their meal in silence, both of them lost in their own thoughts.

As they made their way back to the office, Isobel had a silent war going on within her. Should she cut her losses now before she got in any deeper with either Tyler or the company he owned, or should she stay and see where the natural progression of both their personal and working lives went?

On the one hand, Tyler had been more open with her than she could have dared to hope for, and the unspoken barrier that had been between them had seemed to crumble slightly. But, on the other, she knew that there was still a lot that she didn’t know, and probably even more that he had no intention of ever telling her. The look on his face when he’d more or less told her that he wasn’t happy had cut her to the core.

As they pulled up in the office parking lot, Tyler put a hand out to stop her from exiting the vehicle right away. “Isobel, while I do appreciate why you went snooping through my desk, you do realize that there will be consequences, correct?”

Isobel felt her pussy come to immediate attention at his words. She knew that he was referring to her having to be punished, and she also knew what that entailed. What she didn’t know was why her body reacted in delight at the prospect rather than quiver in fear. She decided not to analyze it too much right now, however, and just settled with a demure, “Yes, Sir,” as an answer.

“Good girl.” He brushed his thumb over the pulse in her wrist and then released her so that they could both get out of the car. They walked to the elevator in silence and Tyler pressed the button to take them up to the top floor, and Isobel stood by his side with both her mind and her body in turmoil.

As the elevator door opened, Tyler stood to one side to allow Isobel to exit first, giving her ass a swift swat as she passed him. She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at him cheekily before walking away towards her own desk with his, “You’ll pay for that later,” ringing in her ears. She grinned to herself as she set her bag on top of her desk. Maybe working for him wasn’t going to be too bad after all, she mused.

She turned from her desk to go to the ladies room and was brought up short by a cloud of expensive perfume and what originally felt like a huge dog being shoved into her hands.

“Don’t just stand there gawking, girl, hang my coat up. And be careful, it’s a genuine fox fur that cost more than you’ll make in your measly lifetime.” Isobel stared open-mouthed at the speaker, a tall leggy blonde, dripping in what were obviously real diamonds and a pure wool skirt suit that looked like it had come straight from the cat-walk in Milan. She was the epitome of female perfection, but even Isobel’s untrained eye could see that she’d had an obvious boob job, and her nose was too perfect for it to not have had some work done to it.


“Hello. I’m assuming that you do actually speak English?” The unknown female placed a slender hand on a boney hip and just stood there glaring at Isobel in frustration. Then she dared to clap her hands together condescendingly. “Chop chop! For heaven’s sake, Tyler really should have a word with the agency he uses, because you’re blatantly incapable of following simple orders. How on earth do you manage to even do the simplest of secretarial duties such as typing out letters and such?”

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