She raised her eyebrows at him questioningly.

“Well, the spanking was supposed to have been a punishment for your deception in getting the job. Correct?” Isobel nodded slowly. “But, from what you have just said, it didn’t really work. So, the question I ask myself now is, if spanking won’t work, do I move onto the next thing?”

Crap. She hadn’t really thought that one through very well, had she? Isobel could have kicked herself, but there was nothing she could do now, and she definitely couldn’t take back what she’d said.

“I’m sure you’ll do whatever you feel is right, Sir.” Maybe if she sucked up to him he’d be lenient with her, she thought hopefully.

Tyler chuckled. “I always do, my dear. I always do.” He walked over to a shelf and removed something from it. With his back still to her, she watched as he squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. “Place yourself back over the desk please, Isobel.”

With a sigh she did as he asked, and wondered what he was going to do to her this time, and if it would have any kind of effect on her. She placed her upper torso on the desk with her feet planted firmly on the floor. She decided to be good this time and not try to peek at what Tyler had in his hand, especially as he had obviously decided to use something other than his hand as a punishment.

She felt his hand smoothing over her ass again, and she couldn’t help the little wiggle of her posterior that she gave. “Be still!” She stopped moving as soon as Tyler said the command, anticipation once again making her nervous, but not afraid.

There was the briefest of pauses, and then Isobel felt the air around her move and heard a ‘thwack,’ and her world exploded into stars. “Owww!” She couldn’t help the squeal that escaped her surprised lips, or the next one as in quick succession Tyler brought the implement down again.

The next strike hit her on the lower-most curve of her ass cheeks, catching her unawares and bringing tears to her eyes. She was also shocked to realize that it actually felt good, and her clit gave a little throb as it pulsed to life.

“How does that feel, slut?” She felt the warmth of Tyler’s breath against her face as he bent his head down close to her to ask the question.

“It f-feels…” Her words broke off as he smacked her again. “Good! It feels good!” She groaned as he did it again, this time on her left cheek, and her clit started to throb. “Oh, God!”


A few more ‘thwacks’ and Isobel felt her nipples pebble and her pussy-lips start to swell. She could feel moisture pooling and coating the tops of her legs, and her back was slick with perspiration. “Ohhh…” Tyler used what she had figured out was a paddle of some description with an ability that screamed of years of practice; knowing exactly where to hit and where to avoid to cause the most discomfort and arousal.

He eventually finished, and Isobel could have screamed at him to continue. It felt as though her ass was on fire, and his hands once again rubbed her skin, somewhat soothing it, but doing absolutely nothing to soothe the echoing heat of her pussy. Isobel felt as though she would die if she didn’t climax soon, but she instinctively knew that to ask him for release would be a big mistake.

“How did that feel?” His tone was gruff and she heard the unmistakable tinge of arousal as he spoke.

“It hurt.” She was breathless and aching, and wanted so much more than to simply be punished.

He laughed softly. “Do you think that is a more suitable punishment for you than spanking was, and if so, why?”

He had raised her upright again, and as he talked he turned her so that she was facing him. Before she could reply, he put a finger under her chin and lifted her head so that he could watch her face. “Remember to be totally honest with me, Isobel.”

She took a deep breath before speaking, aware that if her body was shaking, then so would her voice. “Yes, Sir, it is definitely a more suitable punishment, and a more effective one.” She knew he wanted to hear more than that, so she hesitantly continued. “It hurt a lot, but it wasn’t unbearable. In fact, the more you paddled me, the more I wanted.” She paused again. “I’m sorry, I should have said the more I needed, not wanted.”

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