Isobel hiccupped around a sob that escaped. “B-but I heard a m-match.”

“I was just lighting a candle, Isobel. I’m going to use the wax, but never, ever would I use a flame on you. Why on earth would I want to mar your perfect skin and cause you pain like that?” All the while he’d been talking, his hand had been stroking back her hair, and as Isobel’s fear receded she found that she liked the feeling of being petted. She really liked it.

“You were going to use wax on me?” Her brain finally registered what he had said, but she still wasn’t sure if she’d heard him right.

“I am going to use it on you, Isobel.” His tone had gotten firmer, but he was still smoothing her hair, which was good. “That’s if you decide to take back your banana?” His eyes twinkled a smile at her, and Isobel felt herself smiling back in return.

“I guess I did use it a little quickly, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, but that was because this is all new to you and you didn’t know what to expect. I probably rushed things, Isobel, and for that I’m sorry.” His tone was contrite, and she felt herself relax some more. “How about I leave the blindfold off so that you can see what I’m doing? It won’t be quite so intense for you sexually, but you’ll still get pleasure from it. I promise.”

She nodded her head slowly. “I think I’d like that.”

Tyler reached behind her head and undid the blindfold, pulling it completely free from her and throwing it across the room. “I will use it in the future though, Isobel, so you’re going to have to get used to it. Okay?”

She nodded her head again. “Okay.” She smiled mischievously. “Okay, Sir.”

Tyler laughed as he stood back up. “Cheeky, sexy minx.”

Isobel watched as he picked something back up, and when he turned she saw it was a pillar candle. Striking a match, he lit the wick and she watched as the flames danced in his eyes as he turned back to face her.


“Are you ready?” He held the candle about twelve inches above her stomach and Isobel’s eyes widened nervously, but she wasn’t afraid.

“Yes, Sir.” She whispered, and watched as he tilted the candle slowly and a small pool of molten wax made its way to the edge of the candle and dripped off. Isobel watched with wide eyes as, almost in slow motion, the wax dropped onto her stomach. She was surprised to realize that she hadn’t felt any pain. It was more a case of intense heat, that actually felt quite good, and she smiled up at Tyler triumphantly.

“You want more?” he asked her, his voice now gruff with arousal.

She nodded her head. “Yes, please.” And then, almost as an afterthought, she added. “Sir.”

Tyler let the candle drip again, this time letting the wax fall onto a different spot on her stomach, Isobel gasped, but again, it didn’t hurt her. He did it again in a different spot, this time up her ribcage towards her breasts, and she held her breath, but still no pain.

“Good girl.” Tyler’s voice was still full of approval, and Isobel felt herself glow under his praise.

The next drop of wax made her catch her breath though, as he aimed it actually on her breast where the flesh was softer. He moved across to the other one and gave it the same treatment, and Isobel didn’t feel quite so comfortable.

Tyler kept dripping the wax on her skin, the hot, molten liquid quickly drying and molding itself to her body as it coated it and quickly cooled. Isobel watched and listened to the flame sizzle and flicker as he tilted the candle, and then she looked down herself and gasped at the sight of the hard white wax on her creamy skin.

He tilted the candle again, this time moving down towards her pussy, and Isobel felt herself tense up all over again. Was he seriously going to do what she thought he was? A second later she had her answer, as he tipped the flickering candle and a drop of wax landed directly on her swollen clit. A moan broke free from her mouth as sensations like she’d never had before rushed through her.

“Oh yes, that’s what you need. Right there.” He let another drop hit her, the candle closer to her skin this time, and Isobel felt her body raise up off the desk as she inadvertently strained to get closer to him. “Such a good little slut. You were made for this.”

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