
“Oh, and one other thing, Isobel, while we are in the ‘conference room’ you will address me as Sir.” His face had a stern look again, and Isobel swallowed hard. “Got it?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl!” She smiled up at him, blushing again with the small praise. “The safe word is going to be ‘banana.’ Sounds silly, I know, but it’s not a word you would typically use during sex, so it works perfectly. If you ever say the safe word, I’ll stop whatever I’m doing immediately. Okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Lay on the desk, Isobel.” His voice was demanding, and Isobel felt her clit throb in time with her heartbeat as she walked to the huge piece of furniture and clambered up on top of it. She lay on her back and turned her head to watch as Tyler bent down at the corner of the desk and took hold of something that was attached to the leg.

When he stood back up, she saw that he held a length of silk cord in his hand. Without saying a word, he reached for Isobel’s hand and securely tied the end of the cord around her wrist. As he walked around the desk, Isobel gave it a tentative tug, feeling mixed emotions when she found that it was tied tight enough to not give an inch, but it wasn’t so tight that it cut into her skin.

Her other wrist was given the same treatment, and then Tyler moved to the other end of the desk and secured her ankles the same way. Isobel was now spread-eagled on the desk, completely immobilized and vulnerable; and she loved it.

Walking back to the top of the desk, Tyler looked down at Isobel and smiled. “Not too bad, huh?”

Isobel smiled back at him. “Not so far.” Her voice was still quiet, but she was pleased to note that the worried wobble had gone from it.

“It’s going to get a little more intense from here on out, Isobel.” He spoke softly in a reassuring way, and Isobel found that even though she was nervous, she wasn’t afraid at all. “What’s the safe word?” He prompted.


“Banana.” She giggled at the word, feeling silly for even saying it in the first place, but Tyler gave her an approving look and bent down to give her a gentle kiss on the lips.

“I’m going to blindfold you now, Isobel.” She’d almost been expecting that so it was no great surprise to her to actually hear him say the words. “It will heighten the sensations you experience, and it might be a little scary to you, but I promise that I am not going to do anything that is going to physically or mentally harm you in any way.” She nodded her head to show that she understood.

Tyler walked towards a wooden cabinet that Isobel hadn’t noticed earlier, and opened the door. He retrieved what she assumed was the aforementioned blindfold and walked back towards the desk. “Lift your head for me.” She did as he asked and he placed the blindfold around her eyes and fastened it at the back of her head, being careful not to catch any of her long hair in the fastener.

Isobel’s world was now filled with darkness, and because Tyler was the only other person in the room, which she assumed to be soundproof, there was nothing for her to hear either. It was definitely a new experience for her, and one she wasn’t completely sure she liked.

“Gags are used a lot in this kind of thing, but I’m not going to put one on you because I want you to know that you can speak when you need to.” Isobel was relieved to hear it.

Everything went quiet again, and she strained her ears to try and hear what Tyler might be doing. All she could make out was the sound of his footsteps though as he walked away from the desk and then walked back again a short time later.

She held her breath in anticipation and just a little fear. Was he going to fuck her or just tease her? Or maybe he wasn’t going to do anything, she thought as time seemed to drag on. And then her breath caught in her throat as she felt his feather-light touch on her ankle. His large hand gave a reassuring squeeze and then she felt his fingers trailing their way up her leg; reaching her knee and then higher still until she almost forgot to breathe.

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