She carried her glass through to her bedroom and stripped off her clothes. A shower was definitely in order, although she had to admit to liking the smell of Tyler on her skin; it was tantalizing and erotic, and she couldn’t help but sniff appreciatively as she walked into the bathroom.

She turned the shower on, stepping under the warm spray of water with a grateful sigh. Soaping herself up, she ran her hands over breasts that were still sensitive and a pussy that was still achingly swollen from the day’s activities. Tyler had definitely satisfied her, but her greedy body wanted more of him. Much, much more.

She rinsed the bubbles from her hair and body, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Wrapping her hair in a towel and putting on her favorite bright pink fluffy robe, she picked up her glass and went into the living room to give her friend a call.

“Melanie, you’ll never believe the day I’ve had!”

Chapter Four


When the alarm went off the following morning, Isobel swatted at it grumpily, hitting the snooze button before rolling over and closing her eyes again. She was just nodding back off when she remembered that she had to go to work. More importantly, she had to go to work and see Tyler again. She threw back the covers, wiped the sleep from her eyes and stretched her arms high above her head. Man, she was aching. It must be from all that desk-top fun yesterday, she thought with a smile.

She took a quick shower and applied her make-up carefully, making sure to use just enough to accentuate her eyes. Her hair was put up into a French braid, not even bothering to dry it so that it stayed in place properly. Black lingerie with black pull-up thigh high stockings, and then a form-fitting black dress with a hemline that ended just above her knees and a v-shaped neckline that was low, but not too low, and she was ready to go.

She drove to work, parking in the underground staff parking lot and made her way up to the top floor to her office. She smiled as she walked, unaware of the lustful glances of the men she past, or the envious ones of most of the women. Isobel was beautiful, but she wasn’t conceited so she never really took any notice of other people’s reactions to her looks.

She took her coat off and placed it over the back of her chair, smoothed her dress down and then went to knock on Tyler’s door. His deep “Come in,” sent tingles straight to her nether regions, and she turned the handle and opened the door, walking into his office on legs that weren’t quite steady.

Tyler was sat where she expected him to be; behind his desk looking as delightfully handsome and sexy as he had the day before. “Good morning, Tyler.” Her voice was cheerful and the smile on her face genuine.


“Good morning, Isobel. And how are you today?” His gravelly voice with its sexy southern drawl was just as delicious as she remembered it. “I hope you got plenty of sleep last night because I have plans for you today.”

Isobel felt herself blush as she wondered what kind of plans he had in mind. And then she gave herself a mental kick up the butt. She was here to work, for God’s sake, not to have rampant sex with the boss every day. “I did, thank you.” She was proud of herself for keeping her voice so steady. “Do you have a list for me today?”

Tyler stood up from the desk and walked around it towards her. “Not today, no.” She was surprised when he took hold of her hand, his thumb rubbing the pulse spot on her inner wrist. She was sure that he would feel how fast her heart was racing. “Come with me, please.” She didn’t really have an option but go with him, as he started to walk towards the door with her hand still firmly ensconced in his larger one.

She breathed a sigh of relief when he let go of her as he opened the door. She would have hated for the other ladies to see them like that, and she most definitely didn’t want to give the vindictive Julie any more ammunition to have another bitchy go at her.

They walked past the other desks, Isobel was very conscious of the stares they were getting. As they walked by Mary, Isobel was astonished when the other woman grinned at her and then gave her a wink. What the hell was going on?

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