He was so serious about getting this right he’d even responded to the text he got from Lisa last night, ending any interaction she might still have in mind—even just grabbing a burger, which she seemed to think was innocent. Any guy wanting to take Charlee out, even if it was for just a burger, would certainly grate Hector the wrong way. He’d cross that bridge if and when he ever had to and deal with it accordingly. In the meantime, he wasn’t giving Charlee any reason to believe that he’d be okay with even that kind of open relationship.

Yesterday, Abel had totally wrecked Hector’s plans. Hector had actually thrown a blanket and a small cooler with a four-pack of wine coolers in the back of his truck before picking Charlee up, something Drew had given him the heads up on via text. If he was going to get Charlee anything to drink, wine coolers were best and one or two tops. Hector hadn’t been looking to get Charlee drunk or even doing anything with her beyond what they’d done so far, but he was shooting for romantic and relaxing. So he’d texted Drew beforehand to get a heads up. Unfortunately, the coolers never made it out of his truck.

Getting the inside scoop from Drew, however, was something that was going to stop. He was putting an end to the texts between them that would give him the upper hand with Charlee. It wasn’t fair, and he’d been dead serious when he made it clear to Charlee that trust was something he thought could make or break this deal. He’d just wanted yesterday to be as perfect as possible, but that was it: no more sneaking around getting inside information he should really be getting straight from Charlee.

This was why that morning when he was tempted to text Drew to ask if she thought Charlee might freak out about meeting his mom this soon, he held off. He did however text her to thank her. He mentioned how he knew now how sneaky she was. Charlee told him she hadn’t talked of moving back home in weeks, but, regardless, he’d never been so grateful to anyone in his life.

Drew’s only response to him calling her sneaky was a winky face, and then she graciously offered to text him a list of all of Charlee’s favorite things. She said it would make him the best boyfriend ever. As tempted as he was to take her up on that, he had to pass. It just didn’t feel right. He said it already felt as if he cheated. From here on, it would be all him. He’d figure this out on his own one way or another.

Before dropping Charlee off the night before, he, of course, made arrangements to see her today. He’d always rolled his eyes at those guys who were so damn whipped on their girls that they had to be with them all the time. Well, he was certainly eating crow now because he hated to say goodbye to her last night and all morning he’d hardly been able to concentrate without thoughts of seeing her later that afternoon.

So what? He’d admit it now. He was crazy about her. It wasn’t his fault no one had ever made him feel this way before. How was he supposed to know it’d be like this? He’d sooner swallow his pride now than be an idiot and pretend he didn’t need to see her again already. If he didn’t, he’d have to wait until tomorrow. Hell no. That wasn’t happening. Last night confirmed it. He was whipped.

Only thing was he and Abel had screwed up that morning, speaking openly about Charlee while they thought their mom was in the shower. Abel had even asked if Hector was in love, and when Hector told him he hadn’t known her long enough, his mother waltzed in the room, startling the hell out of both of them then made an announcement.

“Doña Benitez and I are barbequing tonight for Sunday dinner, and as you both know, I leave tomorrow to see your abuelita in Mexico.” She turned to Hector with an overly sullen expression. “I know you boys don’t watch the Spanish news much, but it’s a very dangerous time to travel into Mexico right now.”

“So why don’t you wait?” Abel asked.

Sighing deeply, their mother shook her head and continued. “I just don’t see a better time, and your abuelita is not getting any younger. I have to go.” She turned back to Hector. “But God forbid something were to happen to me and I don’t make it back—”


“Mom!” Hector hated when she was so melodramatic, and he already knew where she was going with this anyway.

“I’m just saying, Mijo, if I don’t, this may be my last chance to meet at least one of my boy’s girlfriends.” She lifted the famous Ayala eyebrow at Abel before turning back to Hector. “It’s just a casual barbeque in the backyard. Would it kill you to invite her so I could meet her just once?”

Grumbling, Hector reached for the quick-talking short little woman that had the power to make him agree to almost anything and pulled her to him. “Are you gonna behave?”

She punched him playfully in the gut before putting her arm around his waist with a smile. “Of course loco! What do you think I’m gonna do?”

Hector took a deep breath and braced himself to tell Charlee. He agreed to invite her to the barbeque, but if Charlee were at all uncomfortable with it, he wasn’t pushing it. This was way too soon.

Even Charlee’s reaction to his invitation had him smiling from ear to ear again like he had all day yesterday. She was quiet for a moment when he first dropped it on her, and for a second there, he thought she might’ve hung up, but then she spoke. “I can make a chicken pasta salad.”

He’d been so damn nervous about her thinking he and his mom were nuts. He wished now he’d asked her in person because he would’ve covered her in grateful kisses.

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