“Well, respond!” Drew urged.

Her insides were already doing all kinds of crazy things as she typed in her response.

Chess Hector from 5th Street, right?

Okay, so she couldn’t help giving into her pessimistic side. Before she got too worked up over this, she had to make sure. But this was less rude sounding. His response was immediate.

How many Hectors do you know?

That made her smile silly.

“What?” Drew scooted closer to her. “What did he say?”

Charlee showed her then wrote back.

Only one, but I wasn’t aware he had my number.

Drew wiggled next to her, seemingly as excited as Charlee felt. She hit send. “Where do you think he got it?” Charlee asked, turning to Drew.

Drew stopped smiling and the wiggling ceased. She shook her head. “I don’t know, but it’s pretty easy nowadays to get anyone’s number.”


Charlee was just beginning to think about that when her phone buzzed in her hand again. She and Drew read it together.

He does. And he wants to talk to you. If he calls you again, will you answer this time?

Charlee brought her hand to her mouth. She and Drew stared at each other. “What do you think he wants?” she was whispering again.

“I don’t know,” Drew whispered back then giggled. “But say yes and find out.”

Charlee did, and less than a minute later, her phone buzzed with Hector’s call. She stood up, not sure what to do with herself. For a second, she thought of going and sitting in her closet to take the call then had a flashback of doing the same thing when Danny had called her last year a few times. So she decided she’d just answer right there in the middle of the room. To her surprise, Drew smiled, waved, and then walked out of the room, giving Charlee the privacy she didn’t even realize until that moment she wanted.

With a deep breath, she answered. “Hello?”

“Hey.” The tone alone in that one word gave her visions of the beautiful smile he must’ve been wearing. “It’s Saturday night. What are you up to?”

She blinked a couple of times, her head soaking in that deep resonate voice until she recovered enough to realize he’d just asked her something. “Oh . . . I’m not sure yet. Drew and I were supposed to go out.”

“Really? Where to?”

Just then Drew stuck her head in her bedroom and shook her head. Charlie covered the phone mic with her finger. “What?” she mouthed.

“I’m not feeling so hot after all.” Drew whispered loudly. “I think I might take some meds and hit the hay early. I’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

Charlee stared at her then heard Hector’s voice again in her ear. “Hello?”

Nodding quickly at Drew, she focused on Hector again. “I’m sorry. Drew was just saying something to me.”

“That she’s cancelling whatever plans you two had?”

Charlee was quiet for a second then sat on the bed. “Actually, yes, how’d you know that?”

She heard him laugh softly. “Wishful thinking, I guess. So now that your plans are shot, can I pick you up?”

Charlee glanced back up to her doorway, feeling a familiar stir deep inside her. Drew was gone now, and she was free to say what she wanted to say so badly. Yes, yes, yes! But she hesitated, gulping instead. “Pick me up?”

“Yeah,” he said in the most casual tone. “I was hoping we could talk. I’ll behave. I promise.”

She smiled and wished she were brave enough to tell him he didn’t have to. His voice alone had her envisioning his amazing kisses already. But that was her heart and her raging hormones talking. Her brain annoyingly reminded her to be careful. She was having a hard enough time moving forward. This could be a major setback. What could he possibly want to talk to her about? “I live all the way in Burbank.”

“That’s okay. You’re worth the drive.”

Again she could almost envision him smiling, and it was enough to set the swarm of butterflies she’d been trying to keep calm loose in her belly. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand. “What time?”

“Now,” he said immediately. “I can hardly wait.”

That set cannons off inside her now. What did he mean? Wait for what? “Oh.” The single-syllable word escaped her lips without thought. This was so unexpected and bizarre, and exciting and frightening all at the same time.

“So you’re good with that?” he asked. “’Cause I’ll leave right now if you are.”

His voice was so deep—so perfect. She was almost afraid to speak again, but she had to. Shaking her head, she tried to snap out of the trance he so easily put her in and gathered her thoughts. What exactly did he have in mind and should she be excited or worried? She’d just admitted what little plans she had this Saturday night were cancelled, and as nervous as this made her, she had to admit she was more than curious to know what he wanted to talk about. “Um . . . okay. So we’re just going somewhere to talk? I can wear what I’m wearing now—jeans?”

“Yes. Whatever you’re comfortable in is fine. Text me your address, and, Charlee?”


“Did I mention I can hardly wait?”

Surprised by the laugh that escaped her, she brought her hand to her mouth. Okay, she didn’t care anymore if he were anxious about talking to her or stealing another few meaningless kisses. Suddenly she couldn’t wait either. “The curiosity is killing me now.”

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