Push him away. Tell him he can’t do this. It’s not fair!

But her brain was no match for her heart. It pounded soundly and happily in her chest as Hector’s delicious mouth continued to devour hers. Even after Hector pulled away, she stood there breathless and feeling completely enchanted. This was the last thing she expected to happen the very next time she saw him.

Hector turned around then brought his smiling face back to face her. She glanced back in Ross’s direction too. He was gone.

“You see,” Hector smiled even bigger. “That was a much more pleasant way to handle that. I didn’t even have to touch the douche.”

The second she could manage to move her wobbly legs, Charlee began walking. She wasn’t sure what she should be feeling, but at the moment she was feeling it all: excited, confused, a little angry, but not sure if she should be angry with herself or Hector. Mostly though, she felt embarrassed—embarrassed about how easily she’d given into his amazing kisses. Frustration was also peaking in her lineup of emotions. She’d been having a hard enough time getting over something that never was, and now she had more to add to it.

Hector stopped her again just as they reached the stairs, placing his hand on her arm. “Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry. But I couldn’t help myself. It was either that, or I might’ve done something to him. No,” he stopped and thought about it for a second, “I would’ve definitely done something to him.”

“You can’t do that again, Hector.” It almost hurt to say the words, but she had to. “It’s not fair,” she added with a whisper and began up the stairs.

“I know,” he agreed with a regretful frown. Then his eyes brightened a bit. “But if he even thinks of still trying to talk to you after that, you have to admit I’ll have good reason to react any way I see fit.”

This time she stopped and looked at him. “No, you don’t.”

His face went all serious again. “What do you mean? The guy thinks you and I are—”

“But I know we’re not. And if he decides to talk to me again and you happen to see it, you will not react any way you see fit. I’ll handle it.”


Hector shook his head. “Charlee, if I see that scumbag anywhere near—”

“Let me ask you something,” she said, crossing her arms in front of her and tilting her head. “Who were those girls you sat in the front row with Friday night?”

Oh, yeah, if he was going to act as if a kiss somehow gave him any liberties to do and say what he pleased, then she’d be taking a few liberties of her own. She almost smiled at the way he so desperately tried to hide how her question stunned him.

He recovered quickly and answered. “They were friends. One was actually. She’s someone I knew from high school, and she brought her friend along to watch the fight.”

She lifted her eyebrow. Was he trying to insinuate that, because he’d only met her friend that night, it had to be completely innocent? “Did you have fun with them too in the parking lot like you did with the two other girls you met the night of the tournament?”

The fact that she knew about that didn’t stagger him quite as much as she would’ve thought. Still he pressed his lips together before responding. “No. We were supposed to grab a burger after, but when I overheard someone talking about inviting you to that keg party, I cancelled so I could go look for you instead.” This time she was the one stunned and obviously he noticed. He took a step closer to her. “The decision was a no-brainer, Charlee. You were my priority.”

She gulped, feeling something strange happening, but she dared not even think it. It was hard not to the way he stared at her now. His eyes looked deep into hers like they had on the dance floor that night and then later that same night when he’d kissed her so profoundly. That same stare made her insides feel all kinds so of craziness.

Still, she reminded herself that while his eyes and kisses may be saying one thing, he’d made it clear more than once now that anything deeper with him was out of the question. And as much as she’d love to give into having the pleasure of being in his arms, experiencing those amazing kisses of his, even if it was only temporarily, she knew she couldn’t. She didn’t have it in her to do that. Inevitably, she’d be in tears and drowning in despair, knowing someone else was enjoying those arms and amazing kisses too. There was no way she could do that. But what was fair was fair.

“Well, thank you for making me your priority that night. And given the circumstances Friday, I’m glad you reacted the way you did with that jerk at the party. Even today, I know you meant well, but this needs to stop.” She hated to admit the next part, but she’d since decided she had to be honest from here on. No more games of any kind. No more wondering what he might be thinking nor making it unclear what she was thinking or feeling. He already knew anyway. She’d use her big drunken declaration in some way to her advantage. “You said it yourself, Hector. I’m not like those girls you hang out with so casually.”

He nodded, still staring at her in that way that was going to be the end of her. “I can’t do this and pretend it doesn’t affect me, and I won’t anymore.” She glanced away, unable to take his penetrating eyes anymore.

“I agree,” he said. “And just so you know,” his fingers grazed her arm. That alone was enough to send shivers swarming through every part of her body, and just like that he had her locked in his hypnotic stare again. “I can’t do it either without feeling more. And while I’ll do my best to let you handle this guy, I can’t make any promises. I’m just being honest. I don’t think he deserves so much as a nod from you, but I will promise that if I do decide to do something it won’t be what I did today.”

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