Drew’s entire body slumped. “Oh my God, Charlee, how much of this crap did you drink? Yes, it’s really him.”

Charlee tilted her head then pouted. “You make me sad.” She said it so simply Hector wasn’t so sure what to make of it.

“All right, don’t say anything else, Charlee, or you’ll be regretting it tomorrow,” Drew warned then turned to Hector. “You just ignore anything she says right now. Obviously she’s drunk as shit.” She then turned and glared at Raul. “Was that the plan? To get her wasted so you could take her back to your van?”

Raul lifted his free hand in the air. “Whoa! No, no, no. Back up. It’s not even like that.” Suddenly, the guy didn’t seem nearly as drunk as he appeared to be moments earlier. That flask wasn’t very big at all, and if Hector had to bet on it, based on how drunk each was, Raul had made sure Charlee drank most of it. “I told her about the sound system in my van,” the guy continued with fervor. “She said she wanted to hear it.”

“Yeah!” Charlee did a little dance, grabbing Drew’s hand. “I wanna hear it.”

“No!” Drew was firm.

“She’s a big girl,” Raul said. “If she wants to—”

“She’s not going with you, dude.” Hector said as calmly as he could, but he’d had just about enough of this guy. It wouldn’t take much now to make Hector blow. The fact alone that the douche was still holding her hand was enough to drive Hector nuts. If this guy thought Hector was about to let him take Charlee to his van, he was out of his mind.

Since Raul was a pretty big guy himself, it didn’t surprise Hector that he immediately took a defensive stance. “And who are you?”

“I’m her friend,” Hector said, still speaking in as calm a voice as he could. “And I’m gonna say this one last time. She’s not going with you.”

That caught Raul off guard because he cocked his head back then laughed. He swung Charlee’s hand in his and smiled at her then blew a kiss. “I say if she wants to then—”


In the same second, Hector grabbed Raul’s neck with one hand squeezing hard and the front of his shirt with the other. He got about an inch away from Raul’s reddening face and looked him square in the eyes. “Look at me, ass**le. Does it look as if you’re gonna take her back to your f**king van?” Raul clawed at Hector’s hand desperately, which only made Hector squeeze harder. “You really think I’m gonna let this shit happen?” Hector squeezed even harder now making Raul’s eyes bulge now. “Do you!”

“Okay, okay!” Drew said, anxiously pulling at Hector’s arms. “He’s not! You can let go of him now. He’s turning purple!”

“Get the f**k out of here.” Hector said, finally releasing him with a shove.

Raul keeled over, coughing for a few seconds before walking back toward the party. Wisely, he didn’t bother to even look in Charlee’s direction again. Only then did Hector notice the crowd that had gathered around and Charlee, who seemed frozen in place staring at him wide-eyed. A guy with a flashlight came by, flashing it at everyone.

“All right, move it along before someone calls the cops and gets us shut down.” Everyone started moving, including Hector and both girls.

As much as he was dying to, Hector didn’t dare ask Charlee what she’d meant about him making her sad. She probably didn’t even remember saying it anymore, much less why. Plus Drew was right. Charlee was drunk. Nothing she said now should count. Although his mother always said that drunks don’t lie.

Drew had begun to scold Charlee about almost walking out with Raul but then put her arm around her shoulder and leaned her head against hers. “It was my fault actually. I should’ve never left you alone with him.”

For a drunk, Charlee was surprisingly quiet, and whatever she did say, she said it too low for Hector to hear. He walked next to them as they whispered some things louder than others. “Are you sure you’re not feeling like you’re gonna be sick?” Drew asked as they reached a car they stopped next to.

Charlee shook her head then whispered something again inaudible to Hector.

“Yeah,” Drew said, opening the passenger door to her car and then leaning in and opening the glove compartment. She pulled something out then came up and handed Charlee a stick of gum. She turned to Hector and offered him one.

Hector took it then watched as Charlee stuck the gum in her mouth then patted her pockets. “Oh my God, Drew. My phone.” She started to take a few steps and quickly tripped.

Hector reached out and held her up. “Careful.”

Charlee glanced at him then back at Drew. “I gotta go get my phone. I think I left it in the restroom.”

“You’re not going back in that party, Charlee.” Drew took Charlee by the arm. “C’mere. Sit down.” She held the car door open for her.

“But my phone.” Charlee protested.

“I’ll go get it for her.” Hector offered.

Drew looked up at him and shook her head. “Oh, no, you won’t. Raul and all his friends are still in there.”

“So what?” Hector said, feeling that familiar heat again that he’d felt when he saw Charlee with him.

Drew rolled her eyes. “I’ll go get it, but you’ll need to stay here and keep an eye on her.”

She hurried off before Hector could protest. Hector watched her until she disappeared into the backyard. When he glanced back at Charlee, she was leaning over with her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. Her “you make me sad” comment was the first thing that came to mind as his heart sped up.

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