Charlee rolled her eyes. She knew it. They were back to this.

Drew placed her fist on her hip. “Charlee, you promised you wouldn’t be difficult.”

Scrunching up her nose, Charlee thought about it for a second. “I never promised that.”

“Well, you should.” Drew jumped off the bed and reached for her purse. “Just listen to me. This gets better.” She pulled a small flyer-like card out of her purse. “I asked the guy if he knew Hector, and he said Hector and some of the other guys from 5th Street used to go in there often since it’s right up the street. Then he handed me this.”

Charlee glanced down at the card Drew was holding out cautiously. “What is it?”

“Read it,” Drew shook it in front of her.

Charlee took it and read the header.

Friday night fights @ 5th Street

This Friday -- Quintanilla Vs machado

“The guy said Quintanilla is one of the other owners of 5th Street.”

Drew didn’t have to tell her. Charlee already knew all about Noah Quintanilla—one of Hector and his brother’s partners and childhood friends. She had, after all, become the queen of Google-stalking. She lifted her eyebrow at Drew almost afraid to ask.


“You said the guys in the chess team have talked about having gone back to watch more fights since Hector’s, right?”

Charlee nodded, looking back down at the card, continuing to read the rest of the details as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. She wouldn’t tell Drew, but she already knew about Friday Night Fights at 5th Street. The internet knew everything. But she hadn’t mentioned it before for this very reason.

“So I didn’t know it was like this weekly thing, and it’s not only open to the public but they actually promote it on the radio and everything. They want people coming.”

Oh no. Charlee could already feel the uneasiness creep up her spine. As much as she’d try to fight this, she knew that Drew was always so damn convincing and unwavering.

“The best part is the guy down at Sounds of Music said it’s this big thing in the area on Friday Nights and there are always all these backyard parties after the fights. A lot of the trainers and even boxers show up to them.” Drew’s eyes were as bright as Charlee had ever seen them. “Of course, I asked if Hector goes, and he said, ‘yes’!” She weaved her head a little from side to side then admitted. “Not always, of course, but the guy said he’s been known to show up. That doesn’t even matter though. What matters is you may not have noticed, because you were so preoccupied watching Hector the whole time, but there were a bunch of hot guys there watching the fight last time. I’m sure they’re there every week.”

Charlee began to protest, but Drew was quick to stop her, holding up her hand. The girl had obviously come here prepared for an argument. She knew Charlee too well. “If nothing else, maybe you’ll meet someone else. Hell, maybe I’ll meet someone there.” Drew made a pouty face. “You wouldn’t deprive me of the opportunity to possibly meet a hottie boxer or trainer?”

Exhaling and feeling defeated, Charlee countered with the only thing she could think of. “What about Maurice? I thought you said you liked him.”

Drew shook her head, tsking. “I was beginning to, but he blew it.”

Charlee pinched her brows. This was the first she’d heard of this. “What did he do?”

Drew explained about the odd text she’d received from him just that morning, telling her his body was still recovering from the night they’d had last night. Problem was Drew hadn’t seen him in days. She didn’t seem too broken up about it, but it was enough that she said she was done with him. That only reminded Charlee how Hector had never even bothered asking her for her number.

“It’s not like we’d agreed to be exclusive or anything, but the lengths he went to try to cover it up were such a turn off.” She made a gagging noise. “I would’ve had more respect for him if he’d just fessed up from the beginning as he tried to do later when he finally figured out I wasn’t buying it. Then he tried to act as if he was being all noble about coming clean and he’d sent the text to the wrong girl.” She shrugged. “Whatever! He was a good kisser, but I never felt anything like what you said you felt when Hector kissed you.” She went all dreamy eyed and sighed. “I think I’ll hold off until I find someone that makes me feel that way too.”

Not wanting to look at Drew anymore, Charlee glanced back down at her laptop. She knew her friend meant well, but she hated when Drew brought up Hector’s kisses. And she did it a lot—each time with that same wistful expression she wore now. Charlee didn’t need constant reminding of those kisses—kisses she may never get to experience again.

“So,” Drew stood up off the bed. “You and me. Friday night. 5th Street.” She lifted her hand before Charlee could even begin to protest. “I won’t take no for an answer, Charlotte Brennan. The last time you went out was the night of Hector’s fight. I won’t let you do what you did back home and sink into your lonely little cave.”

Charlee’s shoulders slouched in defeat. “I wouldn’t dream of arguing with you, Drew.”

“Good,” Drew smiled proudly, “because you’d never win. Now I’m off to brainstorm in the shower.”

Charlee fell back on her pillow dramatically. “I wish you’d left that last part out.”

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