“I told you I was going to be busy tonight, sweetheart. He glanced up just in time to see Noah and Gio wave him over.

Nodding, he glanced back at Leticia. “You remember Walter from Saturday, right?” Walter’s alarmed expression made Hector almost laugh. “I gotta go, but he’ll keep you company until I get back.” Walter’s eyes went wide and Leticia’s didn’t even try to hide the disappointed pout. Any other time, Hector might’ve leaned in and kissed her just to make up for having to leave her again, but he didn’t. Instead, he just squeezed her hand before letting go of it. “I won’t be long. I promise.”

He started off toward Noah and Gio purposely not looking in Charlee’s direction. He had to snuff that flame out before it went wild. Charlee was not someone he should be getting involved with, aside from the obvious most ponderous reason: Walter. There were even more reasons now.

For one, she was totally not his type, not that he really had one, but all he knew was she wasn’t it. She was nothing like any of the girls he ever hung with, and besides chess, he doubted they’d have anything else in common. Two, if he thought she’d be like Leticia, willing to have some fun and then just leave it at that, maybe he could consider it. But he could already tell she wasn’t. Walter mentioned she was quiet, shy, studious, and very sweet. Even though she hadn’t been very sweet to Hector so far, he did see the shy. He’d seen it in her eyes yesterday when he’d nearly kissed her. That kind of heavy sexual tension was a first for her. He wasn’t even sure how she would’ve reacted if he had kissed her, but he was certain it wouldn’t have been like most girls he kissed.

Something about Charlee and those thick red lashes she’d fluttered so flustered over those deep blue eyes yesterday said . . . romantic. Hector didn’t do romance. He didn’t have time for it. He learned from past experiences that you don’t get involved in any way with girls looking for the real deal without it getting messy, especially ones you’ll have to be around often. Even considering doing something with Charlee was out of the question. It couldn’t get any more cut and dry than this. But this was the first time he found himself having to build such a case against getting involved with any girl, and it was annoying as hell.

“Congrats,” Roni said as he reached her and Noah. She held up her camera in one hand and hugged his neck with the other. “Umm, you smell good,” she said as she pulled away.

“Yeah, yeah,” Noah frowned, taking her hand. “So he showered.”

Hector laughed. “You’re just saying that because it’s the cologne you two got me last Christmas.”

Roni’s eye’s brightened. “Is it really? No wonder. I gave everyone Armani. I just don’t remember who I gave which to. Gio’s is the only one easy to remember since it’s his own name. I love all his fragrances.”

“Code something or other,” Hector shrugged. “I’ve gotten enough compliments. I’ll probably buy another when it’s gone.”

“Your birthday’s coming up. Isn’t it?” Roni winked. “I got you.”


“Are we gonna do this or what?” Gio asked. “Because I’m ready to get B on the dance floor already.”

Gio pulled his fiancée, Bianca, to him, pressing his body against hers, and swayed to the music playing. Bianca swayed with him, giggling as he kissed her.

Hector rolled his eyes. Those two were insatiable. “What are we gonna do?” Hector asked.

Abel joined them. “All right, I’m here. Let’s get this over with. I still have lots of people I need to schmooze with.”

Suddenly Hector knew what was happening and he nearly groaned. “More photos? Didn’t we already take enough before the fight?”

“Just a few more.” Roni smiled at him sweetly. “You guys all look so handsome in your suits now, and this is for my 5th Street Journey page on my blog.”

Hector’s shoulders slumped in defeat, but he smiled, putting his arm around Roni’s shoulder then kissed her on the head. “You always get me with that. Anything for the journey page.”

She smiled smugly, motioning in the direction she wanted them all to stand. Ever since the original 5th Street gym had burned down last winter, Roni had started up the blog about the gym’s journey. Hector loved looking through all the pictures she posted on it, old and new. So even though he was an impatient model for all the photos she so loved taking, he was a sucker whenever she mentioned it was for the blog.

She lined them up against the back wall of the banquet room. It was a meeting room really and meant for press conferences that were taking place more often lately as more and more of the boxers training here were making their way up the ranks. It was big enough for parties, especially the exclusive ones like tonight’s that were kept on a smaller scale.

Nellie, Roni’s best friend and coordinator of tonight’s events, laughed as Roni adjusted the guys to stand just so. “And you call me the perfectionist,” she teased.

Roni smiled and continued to adjust them, moving Hector slightly to the right. He took the moment she continued to fuss over the other guys to allow himself to do what he’d been wanting to do for a while. Casually, he glanced back in the area where Charlee and the guys from the chess team had been standing. Walter was still there minus Leticia. She must have ditched him the moment she got a chance.

Also noticeably gone were Charlee and Drew. Scanning the room, he spotted them just as Roni’s camera began to flash. They were both on the dance floor, dancing with a couple of guys he didn’t recognize.

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