“To an incredibly impressive win,” she heard herself say and lifted her glass toward him.

Gulping hard and unable to believe what she’d just done, she put her glass to her lips after everyone else lifted their drinks as well.

“Mine?” he asked, flashing that amazing smile before taking a drink of his beer. “Or do you mean yours yesterday?”

The guys all chuckled, and suddenly she had what she’d always hated—everyone’s attention. Even Drew was smiling, very pleased and looking at her.

Taking a bigger sip than she should have, she smiled back with a shrug. “I was talking about yours, but you have to admit mine was pretty impressive too.”

She held her breath, waiting to see if that breathtaking smile went flat, but surprisingly, he smiled even bigger. Then after glancing at Walter, his smile waned a little. He did his own version of a shrug, lifting and dropping his big shoulder. “I can admit it. We were impressed. Right, Walter?”

Walter smiled. “That was a heck of a move. I didn’t see it coming either. I thought he had you.”

Some of the other guys agreed, saying they’d thought the same thing. Charlee did her best not to freak out about being the center of attention for a few minutes. Thankfully, it didn’t last too long. The topic switched to talk about Abel.

“So your brother is really gonna fight Hammerhead McKinley?” Dempsey asked.

Hector nodded proudly. “Yep, it’s official. He’s gone pro and he signed earlier this week. Next year, Vegas baby.”

Hector clinked his bottle against Dempsey’s. Dempsey was still hesitant looking. “Isn’t he afraid? McKinley’s in his prime, man. His last seven fights in a row he’s won by way of knockout.”


Hector shook his head, his face souring a little. “But why? Look who he’s fought. Nothing but bums. Why do you think they signed my brother so quick? He thinks Abel’s a bum too.”

His eyes were back on Charlee every few words, and she was done even pretending to drink her wine for fear just the smell would make her feel even braver than she already did. She couldn’t look away now, and she’d stopped making an effort a long time ago.

“I’ll tell you what,” he continued. “This guy’s in for a big surprise.” Once again, even though he was talking to Dempsey, he kept glancing at Charlee. A smile escaped her after the third time. She couldn’t help it. She was enjoying the attention. “Abel . . .” he stopped and smiled at her, too, then shook his head and glanced at Walter. He turned back to Dempsey, speaking a little faster. “The guys Abel’s been fighting are just as much bums as the ones McKinley’s knocked out, and you know what? Abel’s been knocking ’em all out too. Bad. The last guy had to be taken out on a stretcher.”

Seeing his big chest puff even bigger and his smile brighten made her smile bigger too. “You really think he has a chance then?” she asked.

Just like that, she had Hector’s attention again. She was beginning to feel a little like the attention whores across the room standing with his brother. Already, she was getting so used to having his eyes on her, that the moment he turned them away from her, she mustered up the nerve to ask a question again so that she would have his attention again.

Breathing in deeply in reaction to his big smile, she waited for him to respond. “I don’t just think he has a chance, Charlee. I know he’s gonna win.” His smile turned into that sexy smirk she’d witnessed so often yesterday when she’d been sure he was flirting with her. “It’s what happens when you catch your opponent sleeping. You know all about that, right?”

Charlee gulped hard again. This was the second time he’d referenced yesterday’s game, and both times he’d done so with a smile. Maybe he didn’t hate her after all. But what the heck happened to her hating him?

Chapter 9

The timing couldn’t have been better. Even though he managed to catch himself every time so far, Hector was beginning to lose control—stumbling off his train of thought time after time. So he couldn’t have been more relieved when everyone’s attention was called to the small podium at the front of the room.

Hector took advantage of the distraction to regroup and gather his thoughts. He had to get a hold of himself. Why couldn’t he have stayed angry like he’d felt the entire time he showered and got ready? Even as he’d been interviewed by the local media and the Spanish radio broadcaster over the phone, he’d been tense. Dealing with that would’ve been easier than what he was dealing with now.

He’d wondered the whole time if she possibly could be here looking to confront him: tell him off about yesterday—a confrontation that couldn’t wait until Monday. Then Miriam and Leticia had walked into the gym just as he was wrapping up his final interview. They’d been a slight diversion from his ongoing speculation about Charlee’s unexpected presence here tonight, but the diversion from those thoughts had been fleeting. The moment he entered the party, he saw her. He’d hoped to be there for a few minutes before having to see her and have a few drinks to calm the irritation he’d begun to feel just thinking about what she might be up to this time.

After his fight when he’d spotted her in the crowd, it was her hair that stood out. His eyes had been drawn like a magnet to the almost-glowing crimson locks in the crowd. It was more than that now. He was sure his eyes weren’t the only ones being drawn to her. She looked spectacular. When he’d walked in and gotten a closer look at just how different she looked tonight, he couldn’t dump Leticia and Miriam off with his brother’s group fast enough. He was getting this over with now—the sooner the better.

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