“She said she didn’t get a chance to read all the texts, but what she did read was enough. And she said she wouldn’t put anything past her ex-best friend anymore. Said she’s not the person she thought she was and she doesn’t trust her at all. She’s even dropping out of both chess teams. Says she wouldn’t be able to stand being around you. Talk about screwing with someone’s life for your own selfish reasons.”

Hector rushed out the front door, trying not to panic too much. He stopped for a second to lock the door. “It’s not what she’s thinking. She’d know this if she’d have read the whole text. And she’s not dropping out of anything. Give me your address, and I’ll explain to her when I get there.”

“You’re coming here now?”

“Yeah,” Hector rushed around his truck.

“No! She’ll be mad that I told you where she was. Plus she doesn’t wanna see you right now, and I don’t think—”

“Listen to me, Walter,” Hector spoke very firmly now as he climbed in behind the wheel of his truck. He’d been patient enough with Walter. While he appreciated Walter’s concern over Charlee, there was no f**king way he was letting her leave or drop out of any teams, especially now that he knew why Drew had done what she’d done. He only prayed now that Charlee would agree Drew really hadn’t had a choice and stay. “I have the texts. You can read them when I get there if you want, but nothing is going on between me and Drew, and nothing ever has. I’m in love with Charlee. I meant it when I said I was done with other girls. Now would you please give me your gadamn address so I can explain all this to her.”

Walter told him he’d text it to him, and after waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Hector began to wonder if the jackass had changed his mind. Just when he was getting ready to call him back and tell him off, the text with address came through.

Taking what felt like the deepest breath he’d ever taken, Hector skidded out of his driveway, ready to do or say whatever he had to make Charlee stay.


Feeling the familiar soft kiss against her temple and her hair being caressed, Charlee smiled. Then her eyes flew open, and she sat up suddenly, whacking her head against someone else’s. “Ow!” They both said at the same time.

She massaged the spot on her head, realizing it was Hector whose head hers had just collided with. He sat there on the edge of the bed, his fingers at his own temple wearing a very pained expression. As nice as it was to see him first thing when she opened her eyes, reality hit and she began kneeing him until he toppled off the bed.


“Why are you here?” she demanded, sitting up on the edge of the bed now. “How did you know I was here?”

She turned to a remorseful-looking Walter and let her shoulder drop in utter disgust. “Isn’t there anyone I can trust anymore?”

“You can trust me,” Hector said, standing up.

Refraining from giving into the urge to kick him, she glared at him. “Really?”

“Yes, babe.” Hector held his hands up in front of him. “Look, I know what you’re thinking, but you have it all wrong. There are a few things I do need to come clean about, but none are as bad as what you’re imagining.” Charlee stood up ready to bolt. If she had to get a room for the night, she was prepared to, but she wasn’t about to stand here and listen to him come clean. She already knew enough. “Please, Charlee, I have proof that I didn’t do anything with Drew.”

“Oh, and what is that? You’re going to bring her in here to attest to that? Are you both gonna stand here and tell me that neither of you are as bad as all those bastards that made my life miserable? Because I know the truth about her now and about you, Hector!” She cried. “Walter told me every bit of it!”

The stunned look on his face made the hurt in her heart even deeper because he didn’t deny it. She’d still hung on to the hope that maybe it wasn’t true. Maybe Walter had misinterpreted things. Maybe Hector wasn’t just like Danny. But, no, she could see the truth in his guilty eyes. He was just like him, only worse. At least Danny didn’t think he’d deserved to kiss Charlee after the party.

Seeing Hector’s Adam’s apple move as he gulped hard, she tried not to fall apart completely. “I’ve apologized to Walter, Charlee.” He turned to Walter his face pale now and full of regret. “Did you tell her that too?”

Walter nodded. “I did and that you weren’t the one actually harassing me, just your friends.”

When Walter had mentioned this earlier, she felt sorry for him. Just as she’d been so quick to glorify Danny’s noble behavior because he hadn’t actually thrown food at her like the other kids, Walter gave into the obvious man crush he had on Hector and overlooked that he allowed his friends to treat him that way—ostracize him until he dropped out of school. Now it pissed her off.

“Oh well, take a bow, Mr. Ayala,” she said, her words dripping with venom now. “I guess that makes you better than them. But don’t talk to me about proof, Hector, because if you think I’m going to believe a word Drew says—”

“You don’t have to! I can show you the texts.”

“I’ve seen the texts!” She tried walking by him.

“Charlee, it’s true,” Walter said. “He showed me. You didn’t read the whole thing, but it’s really not what you’re thinking.”

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