“Nothing. She bolted to the restroom. She was upset but she didn’t say anything even when she came back to wait for Felix.”

“Wait for him?” Gio squeezed the sheet, and clenched his teeth, the jealousy eating him up.

“Yeah, they got here together so they left together.”

Gio almost didn’t want to ask but he figured he may as well get it over with now. “Did he say anything?” Noah didn’t answer immediately so Gio glared at him, his patience running real thin. Whatever it was Noah should just spit it out. “Did he?”

“I didn’t ask him anything but Abel did—asked him if he was seriously taking Bianca back after all the bullshit. Felix said this wasn’t the place to talk about it but he did add that we wouldn’t understand anyway.”

“Understand what?” There was no way he could hide the utter disgust he felt. Felt because he hadn’t seen this coming—because he’d been stupid enough to get caught up in a situation like this.

“He didn’t say. But he did say they were staying at the Royal Towers for the next few days before heading back up to Big Bear.” This was the final blow to his already devastated heart. “He also said he’d pay for Jack’s services. He wants to make sure Jack gets the services he deserved.”

Gio stared at Noah. Noah didn’t say it. He didn’t have to. This was his way of reminding Gio of what a loyal, selfless guy Felix had always been. That if it was true, that they were back together again, Gio should stay away this time.

Noah didn’t have to worry. The last thing Gio wanted now was to be anywhere near her. Be tortured by her eyes—her laugh. His heart wouldn’t be able to take it. Gio thought about that numb dark place he’d sunk into after killing Trinidad. How hard it had been to climb out of that place. It had ultimately been Bianca who had helped him leave it behind him and even when he began feeling like he might sink back in how easily she’d brought him out. He could feel it already. He was sinking fast. If this was true he had no idea how he’d ever make it out now. This was so much worse.

Looking away from Noah he stared at the muted television still running the story of the explosion. As hard as this was to take in he noted how his heart was still thinking in terms of if. That frail hope was still holding out that his worst nightmare hadn’t actually come true. Three words were keeping it alive. She was upset.

Why the hell would she be upset? If this was all true then she should’ve expected for Gio to not want to see her. But she hadn’t said anything. This confused the hell out of him. All he could do now was wait it out—and pray.



The light from the television illuminated the garage. On top of everything Gio had dealt with in the last week, he now had to deal with shame. Shame that he should be in mourning for Jack and all he could do was drown in despair over Bianca’s betrayal.

Through the services, through filing the insurance claims for the place he’d called his second home that was now destroyed, through it all, she’d been front row center squeezing the life out of his aching heart.

Deciding his heart had been in denial in the hospital Gio gave up hoping this was not happening. Instead he focused on the shame. As hard as it was, it was easier to deal with. Shame that because of him and the fact that 5th Street was now in his name only, Felix hadn’t even mentioned his promise—a promise he’d made to Jack not Gio—that he’d help renovate the gym.

No one said it but they were all thinking it. The money he’d be getting from the insurance wouldn’t be enough to rebuild. The whole thing would have to be knocked down and built back up from the ground. There was no way they could afford to do that. At best, Gio might be able to rent another place out of the area and buy some equipment for it but it wouldn’t be the same.

5th Street had practically been a landmark of East Los Angeles—the pride and joy of the local community. The only chance they’d have of rebuilding it now was if someone with Felix’s kind of money would help them. Gio had ruined that chance for everyone. And for what? He hadn’t even gotten the girl—the girl he’d thought worthy of risking it all.

Mercifully, Felix hadn’t brought her to any of the services but the reports of them being back together were still going strong and Gio would sooner die than ask Felix straight out about it. The night she’d flown out with him they were photographed going into their hotel together. Gio still obsessed about the smallest things. They hadn’t held hands as they walked into the hotel but they had at the airport when they arrived. She had to know, especially after how their phone call had ended that day, that he’d be watching now and still she’d held Felix’s hand in clear view of the photographers. There was no if anymore.

Gio had since replaced his phone with a new one but blocked her number. He wouldn’t even be able to stomach an apology from her. The worst part was he couldn’t say he blamed her. There was no way he’d ever come close to offering her everything Felix could, especially now. He didn’t even have a job.

“How dare you!”

Forgetting about his still injured neck Gio jerked his head at the sound of Bianca’s voice, regretting it instantly as the pain burned through his neck muscles. She charged toward him tears streaking down her cheeks. Gio stood up cautiously, his body still sore all over.

“How dare you shut me out just like that!” Gio had seen many sides of Bianca but this batshit crazy side was a new one. “Apparently, the words of the gossip reporters and tabloid shows mean more to you than anything I’ve ever said to you, right? Because you were so quick to believe the bullshit about me and Felix getting back together.”

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